Post-Sustainability and Environmental Education

Post-Sustainability and Environmental Education – Remaking Education for the Future is a new book.  The publisher says that it: “provides a critique of over two decades of sustained effort to infuse educational systems with education for sustainable development.  Taking to heart the idea that deconstruction is a prelude to reconstruction, this critique leads to discussions about how…

New titles from Polity Press

Policy Press has recently published a number of new titles in environmental and urban studies.  These include: Mapping environmental sustainability: Reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research Edited by Sue Oreszczyn and Andy Lane  –  Hardback £75.00 ISBN: 978-1-4473-3157-5; epub £26.99 ISBN: 978-1-4473-3531-3; Amazon Kindle £26.99 ISBN: 978-1-4473-3532-0; epdf ISBN: 978-1-4473-3158-2  –  Explains the development of visual mapping…

More Wildlife Watch Guest Blogs

Here are 5 more Wildlife Watch Guest Blogs to supplement the ones we published the other day: 6. The benefits of outdoor learning Marina Robb, author of ‘Learning with Nature: A how-to guide to inspiring children through outdoor games and activities’, talks about the benefits of outdoors learning in this beautiful blog post.  Give it a…

Guest Blogs on Wildlife Watch

Wildlife Watch publishes a lot of Guest Blogs.  These contain “inspirational stories, advice and ‘wild’ ideas from our teenage and young supporters.  They share how they spend their wild time, the conservation issues that they are passionate about and tonnes of ways that you can get in touch with nature.” Here are some recent examples: 1. The…

IUCN’s archive of reports

IUCN is continuing to digitise its huge archive of reports. Created in 1948, IUCN is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations.  As the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, it harnesses the knowledge and expertise of its 1,300 Member organisations and the input of some 16,000 experts to provide…

A Learning Theory map

If you’ve ever been confused by the many different learning theories that surround us, you might find this map of interest.  It has been created by participants in the EU-funded HoTEL project.  (HOlistic approach to Technology Enhanced Learning) is a support action of the 7th Framework Programme which aims to design, develop and test a support model for…

A new Ronald Rovers blog

Todays post is from Ronald Rovers and is a cautionary tale about our habit of using resource stocks in our pursuit of the good life at a speed beyond natural replenishment.  This is how it begins: “Suppose you eat a orange from a well known brand like Jaffa from Israel, you might expect there is nothing…

Children’s engagement with nature

Today’s featured blog is by Nadia von Benzon, a Lecturer in Human Geography at Lancaster University.  In this, she discusses her research into children’s engagement with nature, particularly the experiences of disabled children, and the use of nature for children’s health and wellbeing.  You’ll find this (and other blogs) on the Tree Charter website. The post begins:…