Tomorrow is Oak Day

If you’re an oak tree, of course, every day is Oak Day, and you spend it just trying to get along with the rest of the near-biosphere whilst fighting off predators and pests of all kinds; some centuries old; some novel.  We humans, however, have to make do with one day in the year.  In 2016,…

Outdoor Classroom Day

Did you celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day this year?  Maybe you’re outside everyday and so didn’t need to bother to make September 30th special.  We hope so! The C&NN says that Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to celebrate and inspire learning and play outside the classroom. It builds on the UK’s Empty Classroom Day, and the…

Change Makers Today

Think Global’s conference is on 13th October this year – today.  Its focus is: How do we create a new generation willing to learn and act to make the world more just and sustainable?   Faaria Ahmad, who is organising this event, says: “Despite massive challenges facing the world, there are many ripples of positive change happening across…

Well done to the NUS sustainability team

The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has named the three laureates of the 2016 UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): the Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (CCREAD-Cameroon) from Cameroon; the Okayama ESD Promotion Commission from Japan; and the National Union of Students UK (NUS-UK) from the United Kingdom This is the second…

The Tables Turned

To mark National Poetry Day, here is the essential environmental education poem: Wordsworth’s The Tables Turned: Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books; Or surely you’ll grow double: Up! up! my Friend, and clear your looks; Why all this toil and trouble? The sun above the mountain’s head, A freshening lustre mellow Through all…

Recent Research, Policy and Practice – September 2016

Here’s a link to Natural England’s round up of cialis online recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda canadian pharmacy developments, large scale is there a generic cialis delivery sector initiatives, resources is viagra covered by medicare and news items. This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors…

Communicate 2016: Swapping Spectacles

Here’s a link to show who’ll be talking at the Communicate 2016: Swapping Spectacles event in Bristol Zoo on 02 & 03 November. According to the organisers, these are the top 5 reasons for going to Communicate: Cross sector networking – the conference is programmed to offer ample opportunities for both structured and open networking in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere…

30 Faces from the NUS

The NUS has launched 30 faces, a small project designed to help it identify what it was that influenced 30 young people to lead on sustainability. NUS says that their responses are insightful and motivational, and that 30 faces has helped it shape the new Green Impact for students’ unions [GISU] which was also recently…

An Ecologist blog

Here is a posting from the Ecologist blog by Keith Barnham who writes about a journey across the USA and all the interesting green issues he came across. The picture shows new ‘solar leaves’ that will be able to produce ethanol directly from sunlight – the perfect liquid fuel for automotive use – with just enough methanol…