CLOtC research reporting

Here’s a selection of news and research that CLOtC has highlighted recently – in case you missed them.  You can follow CLOtC’s research reporting here, and its news output here.  Each is regularly updated and so are worth monitoring.   The meaning of participation in school ground greening: A study from project to everyday setting.…

Natural England’s mid-Summer update

Here’s a further selection of research and other reports related to learning and the environment collated by Natural England. An Affective Measure of Nature Connectedness for Children and Adults: Validation, Performance and Insights. Richardson, Hunt, Hinds, Bragg, Fido, Petronzi, Barbett, Clitherow, and White. – Journal of Nature Conservation. To establish the reliability of the new…

A CITES update

This is an update from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation about the first week of the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) which regulates the trade of such species by subjecting individual species to certain levels of control.  These are represented under three appendices which can be found here. Elephants currently sit…

Natural England’s early Summer Update

Here’s a selection of research and other reports related to learning and the environment collated by Natural England. The Impact of Participation in an Outdoor Education Program on Physical Education Teacher Education Student Self-efficacy to Teach Outdoor Education K Hovey, D Niland, JT Foley – Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Results indicated a significant increase…

Getting Started in the Forest

Today’s blog is a case study of introducing outdoor learning into a primary school by Rebecca Wilkinson, Teaching Trees Programme Officer, at the Royal Forestry Society. The Royal Forestry’s Society’s Teaching Trees Programme is undertaking a two year pilot programme in Staffordshire to offer free training and consultancy to primary schools with the aim of increasing…

Nature Friendly Schools

Nature Friendly Schools is one of three projects within the Children and Nature programme which is a flagship programme for the 25 Year Environment Plan, led jointly by Natural England, Defra and Department for Education and with a budget of £10m. The Children and Nature programme has two priority outcomes, to achieve ‘positive benefits to pupils’ mental health and wellbeing…

UK Student Climate Network Newsletter 1

This is the first newsletter from the UK Student Climate Network [UKSCN].  We shall bring you future editions when they’re published.* Youth Strike 4 Climate #6 On Friday 19th of July, the UK once again saw thousands of students take to the streets in over 70 locations to demand climate justice in our 6th national…

Save the Planet from Plastic

The Rotary / NAEE Heart of England Save the planet from plastic schools competition ended with an extensive exhibition that was launched by the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor Linda Bingham, and the Rotary Heart of England District Governor, Saroj Bala Jaspal, at the end of June.  The exhibition comprised six large collages constructed from plastic bags and other plastic objects.  A…

Keeping Northern Ireland Beautiful

Today’s bog is by Ian Humphreys, CEO of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. For decades Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful has been championing the often disparaged subject of litter.  But now, through research and TV shows such as Blue Planet II, the ramifications of our convenience and throwaway lifestyles are being fully understood.  Even something as simple as plastic pollution…

A balanced brain

In a recent Circle of Life Rediscovery blog, Jon Cree asks in the context of challenging behaviour: How does the outdoors promote a balanced brain?  This is how the blog begins: Challenging Behaviour – how does the outdoors promote a balanced brain? This was a question put to me on a play structures course last weekend.  I had been…