NAEE eNewsletter for 9.2.2025

Here is NAEE’s latest round-up of news… Teaching Wisdom? Part 2 – Resilience An NAEE blog post from Richard Jurin, a regular contributor, explores resilience beyond economic frameworks, advocating for a balance between human and ecological systems. He critiques the reductionist mindset that separates humans from nature, emphasising the need for systems thinking to address complex environmental…

NAEE eNewsletter 2.2.2025

Here is NAEE’s latest round-up of news… Squirrel Moon The Squirrel Moon Have you been following our Year of Environmental Lunacy  project? Each lunar month we bring you a new Blogger who offers their thoughts about an appropriate lunar name based on what we might be noticing around us in nature during this time. We have…

Teaching Wisdom? Part 2 – Resilience

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin. Before his retirement, Richard led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by NAEE.…

NAEE e-News 13.1.2025

On Thursday January 9th some key members of NAEE attended a memorial service at St Peter’s Church, Sutton Coldfield for Sue Fenoughty. Sue (19th December 1935 – 14th December 2024) had been a very active member of NAEE for many years. She was the editor of the NAEE’s flagship Environmental Education Journal for a number…

The Evolution of Environmental Education in the UK: A Historical Perspective

Bill Finnegan and I (Isobel Talks) recently co-authored a report commissioned by NAEE: “Engaging the Next Generation: The state of environmental, sustainability and climate education in UK schools and effective practice in the classroom”. The report explores effective practices in delivering environmental, sustainability and climate education in schools across the United Kingdom. Drawing on a…

Teaching Wisdom – Part 1

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin. Before his retirement, Richard led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by NAEE.…

NAEE Newsletter 09.12.2024

Here is NAEE’s latest round-up of news;    Engaging the Next Generation. The state of environmental, sustainability and climate education in UK schools and effective practice in the classroom:  We include this important report again this week in case you missed it last time. The report, commissioned by the UK National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE),…

NAEE Weekly News 23 11 2024

Here is NAEE’s latest round-up of news; *** 2024 AGM The Association’s AGM will be taking place online this Thursday November 28th, 1800 to 1930. Members must register attendanceby Tuesday 26th November to receive the zoom link. Please email Please also note the new membership form is live at We’re delighted to have Katharine Burke as guest speaker at the AGM.  Katherine…