More than 400,000 celebrate National Environmental Education Week

Environmental Education remains a strong feature of life in the USA.  From April 17th to April 23rd, over 400,000 people celebrated environmental education at more than 3,000 events in every state and territory.  This was part of the 12th annual National Environmental Education Week (EEWeek) – the country’s largest celebration of environmental education. This was organised by the National…

NAEE and NAAEE coming together

The North American Association for Environmental Education [NAAEE] has published a blog by NAEE President, Bill Scott, which looks forward to the meeting of the Global Environmental Education Partnership steering committee in Bristol next week. It begins: Between them, North America’s NAAEE and the UK’s NAEE have been in existence for over 100 years, and…

Blog of the Week

This is Alex White’s blog. It’s a diary about local wildlife in Oxfordshire. Alex has a passion for British wildlife, especially badgers and hares, and has been blogging since May 2013. This recent post My hair expecting only wash! Don’t is SO everything control I more of discount pharmacy would that. An, I dry.…

Glyphosate update

Are you puzzled about what to teach about glyphosate – the world’s widest-used weedkiller?  If so, then a piece on the BBC’s Gardeners Question Time [GQT] last week might leave you better informed.  It began about 15 minutes into the programme, and provided (for us) a useful summary. However, last Thursday, EU experts failed again to take a decision…

Were you screen-free?

Although we missed screen-free week – too busy keeping the website up to date and all that – there’s no reason to despair, as part of every week could be screen-free if you try hard enough.  That’s in addition to the screen-free time you have when you’re asleep, of course. If you need to, you can…

Should we welcome nature’s migrants?

Yesterday’s post by NAEE President, Bill Scott, in his blog set out the article he wrote for NAEE’s latest journal, Environmental Education Vol 111.  The title was: Do we need to learn to be more welcoming of nature’s migrants? In this, Bill looks at a new report from the RSPB: The Nature of Climate Change – Europe’s wildlife at…

Urban schools and outdoor learning

The Guardian recently had a feature on urban schools and outdoor learning.  It  began … “Outdoor learning isn’t just the preserve of rural schools. These simple ideas will help you incorporate outdoor learning in a concrete jungle.  But what do you do if your school isn’t blessed with acres of green space?  From making the most…

Getting Connected to Nature

Getting Connected to Nature is the theme of the 2016 Nature Connections conference in Derby next month.  You’ll find the draft programme here. The core themes of the conference are improving links between research, policy and practice through the latest research and perspectives on [i] the benefits of a connection with nature, [ii] getting connected to nature…

Invitation to a reception

NAEE and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) invite you to a reception being held in Bristol on Tuesday May 31st from 1700 to 1900 at the Bristol Science Centre. The reception is to mark the UK launch of the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP), which was established in 2014.  It is also being held in conjunction with the…