Moving on from Paris

If you missed the April 28th seminar “Moving on From Paris: Implementation Lessons from Social Science,” a video of the webcast is now available. The seminar explored the benefits and risks of the voluntary bottom-up approach crafted at the 2015 Paris climate summit, in which 196 countries pledged individual Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to meet global…

Well done Martineau Gardens

We are very pleased to hear that Martineau Gardens – a place NAEE knows well and really likes – has been awarded a green flag for 2016. The award, now celebrating its 20th year, recognises and rewards the best parks and green spaces across the country – a Green Flag flying overhead is a sign to the…

Dirt update

Project Dirt is the UK’s most active network connecting and resourcing environmental and community projects. Click here to read its community news update, with a selection of resources and community topics from across  the Project Dirt network. We think that this is one of the best photographs we’ve had on our website for quite some time – and…

The Ngorongoro Declaration

Today’s blog is by Henricus Peters, NAEE’s social media & e-journal editor. From 31 May to 3 June 2016, experts from nearly 40 countries, including 12 outside Africa, gathered in Arusha, Tanzania, for an international conference “Safeguarding African World Heritage as a Driver of Sustainable Development” co-organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the United…

Links between environment and health

Thanks to Natural England for these  links to a series of briefing notes summarising evidence on links between natural environments and a variety of health outcomes. They were published on Gov.UK last Friday morning.   EIN015 – Connection to Nature: evidence briefing   EIN016 – Methods, Glossary and Evaluation Resources: evidence briefing   EIN017 – Links between…

Ravens Know What You’re Thinking

Thanks to NAAEE CEO Judy Braus for this fascinating link about that most wonderful of birds, the raven. It begins: “Humans’ ability to understand the perception and intent of others allows us to navigate the Eligible canadian pharmacy guide Find suhagra vs viagra To original cialis price Of cialis and lifting weights. world in an…

Remembering Rosie Edwards

It was with great sadness that we heard of Rosie Edward’s sudden death last Friday. Rosie was a key environmental educator in the UK both through her work leading the Cambridgeshire Environmental Education Service [CEES] at Stibbington over many years, and her support of the National Association of Field Studies Officers [NAFSO]. Those of us…

Open letter to Greenpeace

Mark Lynas has written an open letter to Greenpeace asking it to end its opposition to biotechnology.  It begins: Dear Greenpeace, You will no doubt have seen the letter signed by 100 Nobel laureates asking you to end your opposition to genetically modified organisms. I hope you realise what this means: a great number of the most…

The circular economy in the secondary curriculum

This blog post was was co-authored by Sarah Mitchell and Malcolm Nicholson, and first appeared in July’s Circulate Newsletter.  It begins: “The traditional economy is based on a linear business model where increased consumption leads to higher growth, more production and subsequently to bigger profits.  The circular economy incorporates a completely different business model where energy and material flows…