
Biodiversity is degrading at alarming rates with the people living in biodiversity-rich areas often bearing the heaviest costs of these losses and of inequitable conservation efforts. In response to this emergency, biodiversity credits – or ‘biocredits’ – are emerging as a new kind of financial asset: a measurable, traceable and tradeable unit of biodiversity, that…

Faustian Bargains : part 1– The Horse Poop Debate

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by…

Transforming Our World

Clicking here will take you to the news stories on the Transform Our World website. You can look across the whole of the UK and also by region, and you can sign up to its newsletter. Transform our World also offers access to a range of young person events, including its annual Transform our World…

Natural England Research Reports

Here are a few of the recent evidence summary publications from Natural England: Links between natural environments, learning and health: evidence briefing – EIN063 ( Social and economic benefits of learning in natural environments – NECR442 ( ‘Children’s perspectives on quality in local natural outdoor spaces ’Summary of Evidence: LOtC in Natural Environments – Nov…

Being Green in the UK

Being green in the UK: why we need a better understanding of the relationship between climate concern, behaviours and wellbeing is the title of a recent UCL blog by Lisa Fridkin, Neil Kaye, and Katie Quy. This is how it begins: “Much media attention is given to climate change denial and arguments over the impacts of human-driven climate change,…

Rewilding News

Rewilding Monthly Bite produced this update on last mon this activities. There has been a flurry of papers, bills, reports, and strategies published this month in line with World Rewilding Day, here is a summary breakdown of the most interesting ones. Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions – LINK Addressing challenges for large-scale trophic rewilding…

Getting your Hands Dirty

Each week subscribers to The Times can receive an environment-themed email newsletter. This one is about children and soil. It’s reproduced in full here with permission. When was the last time you got your hands dirty? Not just a bit mucky, but really caked in mud? And how about your children? According to children’s charity…

Green Teacher Winter 2023

The Winter 2023 edition of Canada’s Green Teacher magazine [ Vol 134 ] has now been published. It has a focus on energy transitions. You’ll find details here. The full contents is only available to subscribers but every edition contains two articles that are freely available. This is the contents: Clean Energy Ready to Displace…


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reports that tens of thousands of species are threatened with extinction. But what does it mean for a species to be ‘threatened with extinction’? How do researchers evaluate extinction risk? The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is regarded as the definitive source of extinction risk. Every…

Natural England Update

Here’s a further update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration…

Two recent COP27 focused Blogs

In two recent blogs, junior climate change negotiators Prakriti Koirala from Nepal and Olivier Ishimwe from Rwanda share their experiences of working with Least Developed Country (LDC) senior negotiator mentors. They discuss how this experience improved their confidence, honed their skills and helped them focus their negotiating at COP27. For junior negotiator Prakriti Koirala, the agreement reached at…