November 25th 2019

The winners of the Bayer-LEAF Education Awards were announced last week. The Primary School Partnership award went to Non­ing­ton Farms Ltd “For a farm that has built and con­tin­ues to build a suc­cess­ful rela­tion­ship with pri­ma­ry schools and makes a valu­able and sus­tained con­tri­bu­tion to school life, both on and away from the farm.” The Secondary School Partnership award went…

November 18th 2019

NAEE is now, along with a growing number of others, is a formal supporter of Teach the Future.  ∫∫∫   The UKSCN has a page of helpful advice for students planning action on November 29th.  It says: The UK Student Climate Network draws a lot of inspiration from the ideas and campaigning of Swedish 16 year old…

November 11th 2019

NAEE is collaborating with COBIS, the Council of British International Schools, on an Eco Film Award.  This is a film-making competition that aims to develop COBIS students’ environmental awareness and empower them to take action. Students have been invited to produce a short film showcasing a project they have carried out to improve the environmental sustainability of their school.  Through this competition,…

November 4th 2019

Last week we mentioned the Climate Change Teacher training Academy which is delivered by Harwood Education and UNITAR.  Its mission is to ensure that there will be a climate change teacher, in every school throughout the world, starting with the UK.  It says: “As a Climate Change Accredited Teacher in your school you gain access to world-class learning…

October 28th 2019

Click here to listen to recent a Women’s Hour podcast on how to talk to young people about climate change.  At the heart of this is a contribution from Fiona Cowan, the headteacher of Bolsover Infants school who has completed the UN’s EduCCate Global the Climate Change teacher training programme which we featured in August.  The podcast is 11…

October 21st 2019

The programme for the Education for the Future: Climate Emergency Conference where Teach the Future was launched 10 days ago is here. Highlights included: What would a sustainable curriculum look like? – Richard Dunne, The Harmony Project Students reforming the curriculum – Quinn Runkle, SUS-UK / Maeve, Rethinking Economics Practical steps to green your school – Henry Greenwood, the Green School Project Teach Climate Truth: Going Green…

October 14th 2019

Last Saturday saw the launch of Teach the Future.  This is a youth-led campaign to reorient the English education system around the climate emergency and ecological crisis and is a partnership between UKSCN and SOS-UK. TtF says that it is not good enough that climate change is restricted to a few subjects and that many of our teachers and lecturers…

October 7th 2019

NAEE is pleased to announce that we shall be working with COBIS supporting its new Eco-Award for its schools.  COBIS is a membership association of British International Schools.   COBIS supports its 500+ members and represent their interests in Britain and overseas, particularly with Government, education authorities and educational associations. The Award scheme will run from October 2019…

September 30th 2019

NAEE is looking forward to contributing to the work of Our Shared World – a consortium of organisations whose overarching goal is that “by 2030, the UK education community ensures every learner receives an education that equips them to contribute to a just, sustainable and resilient world through the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4.7″. The draft objectives are: 1 (embedded,…

September 23rd 2019

In early October a new campaign – “Teach the Future” – will be launched by SOS-UK, UKSCN and XR-educators.   The plan is to bring pressure to bear on the new government that will emerge from the forthcoming election, and, more importantly, perhaps, influence the manifestos of the political parties going into the election.  The campaign aims…