Teaching about El Niño

The Economist has a readable article on the current El Niño which is already wreaking its chaos on the world’s weather systems and economies. There’s a great map which shows that where the losers are from all this – and where the winners are as well, as El Niño is a double-edged sword with rich…

Rocky Rex rocks

Rocky Rex is a new science blog that’s aimed at non-experts.  It mixes climate change with other things, to illustrate that climate science is mainstream. The picture on the right shows Rocky. Recent posts are about the atmosphere, greenhouse gases, earthquakes and volcanoes, ice ages and glaciers, hurricanes and tropical storms, the oceans, natural cycles, and up-to-date data on climate…

Good work in the West Midlands

If you click here, you can see what Groundwork West Midlands has been up to recently. Green Space Transformation caught our eye, along with its new report: Growing and Green Space. This confirms that ‘practical involvement in growing and green space activities’ are a powerful tool to help vulnerable people address personal and social issues. What puzzles…

Latest NAEE journal published – Vol 110

NAEE has published its latest e-journal, Environmental Education Vol 110, for its members. Contents include a number of regular features such as the President’s Column, reports from NAEE-sponsored field work by schools, book reviews and webwatch.   Feature articles this time include: Hardwick Dene interpreted  Steve Ashton Connecting young people to wetlands  Rachel Carless Engaging…

The 2015 Ashden sustainable school awards

The four winners of the 2015 Ashden Sustainable School Awards are: Thornhill Primary School, Cardiff – young eco warriors make big energy savings North Warwickshire & Hinckley College, Nuneaton – joined up approach to carbon management equals win-win  Home Farm Primary School, Colchester – Essex Primary School on its very best behaviour Marton Primary School, Lincolnshire – pupils’ efforts to reduce carbon footprint of school brings…

Ever seen a pine marten?

We certainly haven’t, but the possibility of doing so seems to be on the increase, if a recent report in the Independent is anything to go by.  And not just in Scotland, where these charismatic animals have survived. The Vincent Wildlife Trust is a charity which focuses on our rare mammals and collates any reports of pine martens…

Another update from San Diego

Here’s Bill Scott’s latest comment from the NAAEE conference in San Diego. I went to a session on whether climate change was changing the face of EE.  Marianne Krasny, from Cornell University, led the session that used data from work done following Hurricane Sandy’s devastation of New Jersey and New York, and there were contributions from the floor about…

The richness of the NAAEE conference

As we noted earlier in the week, our President, Bill Scott, is attending the NAAEE conference in San Diego.  Here’s a comment from him on experiencing the event … The first thing to note is that there are around 1200 people here representing all aspects of environmental education in North America: teachers, NGO staff, university academics,…

President to President

NAEE President, Bill Scott, has been at the North American Association of Environmental Education [NAAEE] conference, and will be commenting on this on this blog. Whilst there, he met NAAEE President, Pepe Marcos-Iga, to compare notes on their two organisations, and on the two presidential roles. The picture shows Pepe and Bill at an event during the conference where the…