So, what is environmental education?

Questions about the boundaries of environmental education have existed since its beginnings. Here’s what the North American equivalent to NAEE says: “Environmental education is a process that helps individuals, communities, and organizations learn more about the environment, and develop skills and understanding about how to address global challenges. It has the power to transform lives…

NAEE Manifesto Launch

NAEE launched its new manifesto last night to help young people meet the environmental challenges of the future. It aims to build on existing work in schools and colleges to further stimulate change in thinking and practice, and thus help to better prepare young people for the social and environmental challenges they will face through…

DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Policy Paper

DfE has now translated its Sustainability and Climate Change strategy into a formal policy paper. This says that the strategy applies to: the Department for Education (DfE), its agencies and public bodies the education and children’s services systems in England – including: early years schools (and independent schools where applicable) further education higher education children’s…

What the DfE says about its new strategy

UK TO LEAD THE WAY IN CLIMATE AND SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION Natural history GCSE to be introduced as part of final Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy More support and training for teachers with greater focus on nature and climate change Rollout of ultra-low carbon education buildings is to be accelerated Secondary school students will be able…

The DfE’s New Strategy

DfE will launch its sustainability and climate change strategy later today. There will be lots to say about this. We’re starting with a response from Teach the Future.  Whilst we welcome the publication of the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) new Sustainability and Climate Change strategy, and many of the individual actions, overall we are left…

Natural History gets the Go-ahead

The DfE has announced that the optional GCSE in Natural History, promoted by OCR, is to go ahead. This will be formally announced on Thursday at the launch of the Department’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy in London. For those blessed with 20-20 hindsight it’s easy to see why this is an opportune time for…