Here’s what the DfE says about its new awards:

“The Department is looking for a successful lead provider, or consortia, to successfully deliver the following key areas of activity: 


A prestigious National Education Nature Park that will drive and increase in engagement with nature for all children and young people whilst also developing their scientific, analytical and biodiversity skills for future studies and careers alongside driving an improvement in the biodiversity of the education estate. It will have an engaging digital presence that will inspire children, young people and teachers to participate with the range of activities it has developed and curated from various stakeholders. It will have a credible, high profile and prestigious presence amongst education and children’s services providers and biodiversity stakeholders. Over time, it will become the main portal through which the education system looks for advice, guidance and learning resources on this important issue and on climate change more broadly. It will be important that the successful provider has a lead public facing figure for the programme. 


A well-respected Climate Leaders Award recognised by employers and further and higher education providers that will increase and recognise the efforts of young people in improving the biodiversity of the education estate and their communities, as well as helping to develop their analytical, scientific, biodiversity and sustainable technology skills through a structured, accredited programme of activity in conjunction with the development of the Nature Park. 

Alongside the two main programme initiatives listed above, the successful provider and/or consortia, will also be required to: 


Develop climate education resources for each of the key stages, from early years through to further education. Resources to either be produced from new and/or quality assuring existing materials. Resources to then be made available and accessible to educational institutions on a Nature Park online hub, at least in the short-term (note: a medium to longer term online presence may be considered and the Department will work collaboratively with the successful provider as and when more strategic decisions are made on material hosting). 


Be able to administer grants on behalf of the Department to support participation and engagement in the Nature Park – activity is subject to the Department securing additional funding. The costing matrix template asks bidding organisations to define the percentage management fee charge which the provider (or sub-contractor within their consortia) would charge should such funding grants be made available. All grant funding will need to be managed and assured in line with government requirements which would be clearly outlined by the Department.

Deadline June 22nd.

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