A Recent Research Update from Natural England

Here’s more news from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration in…

DfE Activity Update

Here’s what the DfE says about its new awards: “The Department is looking for a successful lead provider, or consortia, to successfully deliver the following key areas of activity:  1. A prestigious National Education Nature Park that will drive and increase in engagement with nature for all children and young people whilst also developing their…

Remembering Geoffrey Hopkinson BEM

It’s with sadness that report that Geoffrey Hopkinson died recently, age 94. Geoff was appointed as Adviser for Environmental Education in Staffordshire in 1969 at a time when environmental education was not only emerging from its rural studies background across England, but also becoming established internationally. NAEE was created in 1971 out of the National…

First DfE Snapshot

The first issue of DfE’s Climate in Education Snapshot is now available.  DfE will send these updates to provide information on [i] what it is currently working on to make its strategy a reality; [ii] what is coming up soon; and [iii] how we can get involved with DfE. The first includes a welcome from Rt Hon…

Nova Renascentia, Part 2- The NAEE Manifesto and The Elephant in the Room

Today’s post is the latest in a series from Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, ran the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, launching a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability.  This post follows up a recent one and responds to the NAEE…

Reading’s Climate Education Action Plan

The University of Reading’s climate education action plan emphasises working in partnership to tackle what clearly is the defining crisis of our generation. The university says: “Following the Climate Education Summit, our National Climate Education Action Plan has emerged. No single organisation, or indeed government department, is able to take this agenda forward alone. Informed by…

Forward to the 1990s

This is the second in a number of reactions to the recently published NAEE Manifesto. It’s from Dr John Foster at Lancaster University. As ever with our blogs, what is set out here is not necessarily the view of the Association. This is a very impressive manifesto into which much careful professional thought has evidently…

It’s not Easy being Green

So said Kermit the Frog, as Dan Worth reminds us at the end of his recent article for tes.com The focus of the article is the DfE’s wish (in its sustainability and climate change strategy) that all schools and nurseries should have designated sustainability leads by 2025. In exploring this, Dan Worth argues that, although…

What the DfE Strategy doesn’t do

In today’s The Conversation, Elizabeth Rushton (UCL) and Lynda Dunlop (University of York) assess how far the DfE’s new sustainability and climate change strategy aligns with what teachers and young people want. They set out five things that teachers, teacher educators and young people would like to see in schools – and how the government’s…