6th February 2023

Green Steel Plus – NAEE’s curriculum resources are now available together on STEM Learning.  You’ll find them here. . Climate Ed in Parliament – Teach the Future’s Climate Education Bill had its first (formal) reading in the House of Commons at the end of January.  You can read the Bill’s summary here.  Its long title is: ‘A Bill to require matters relating to climate…

30th January 2023

The View from Sanctuary Buildings – The latest issue of the DfE’s Climate in Education Snapshot is now available.  It includes: A welcome message from Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, Secretary of State for Education An overview of the new deal agreed at COP 15 to protect nature Information on the new report, published by The Royal Anniversary Trust,…

23rd January 2023

A Busy Week – This week brings the International Day of Education (24/01) and the World Environmental Education Day (26/01): opportunities to highlight the importance of education to achieving environmental sustainability. . A Taste of Zero – The next Greener Schools Zero Carbon Schools taster sessions have been announced.  These are the times of the sessions with links to register: School Leaders: Tuesday…

16th January 2023

AGM Discussion – At the NAEE AGM last November, there was a presentation by Stephen Scoffham and Steve Rawlinson, co-editors of Sustainability Education A Classroom Guide.  This was followed by a discussion based on issues raised in the book.  The presentation and discussion was recorded and the link to the video is here [ passcode byGd7x*b ].   . People Vs Climate Change – Into…

9th January 2023

Green Steel – With funding from the steel industry, NAEE has produced a freely-available resource for chemistry and science teachers which explores what steel-makers across the globe are doing to find low-carbon and zero-carbon routes to steel in the face of global warming and climate change.  Currently, the global steel industry uses 8% of the world’s energy and generates 7% of global carbon dioxide emissions (2020…

19th December 2022

Meaningful Connections – London’s Natural History Museum, the Royal Horticultural Society and the Royal Society, are developing the DfE’s National Education Nature Park and Climate Action Awards scheme.  This aims to make sure every young person in England has opportunities to develop a meaningful connection to nature, understand the concepts of climate change and biodiversity loss, and feel able to…

12th December 2022

Council for Learning Outside the Classroom – CLOtC has published an evidence summary for learning outside the classroom in natural environments.  Natural England commissioned this following the publication of 2 new reports.  One of the lead authors of these is CLOtC trustee and NAEE President, Prof Justin Dillon.  CLOtC hopes the evidence will be useful for encouraging more schools to feel…

5th December 2022

The Golden Thread – UCET, the Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers, has a new report on teacher professional development.  It has a section on climate change and the ecological emergency which we covered in a blog last week.  The report says that that the entire ‘golden thread’ from the Early Career Framework (ECF) to the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) is silent on these issues.  Meanwhile…

28th November 2022

Share the World – Whether you have been involved in Our Shared World from the start or not, it’s inviting you to go to London on 12th December for a day of: Planning the strategy and activities over the next year Networking and connecting with other members Building appreciation for each other and a sense of community Re-invigorating the network around…

November 21st 2022

Voices Heard – In an article for The Conversation, Aoife Daly from University College Cork, says that given how much young people have achieved in the fight against climate crisis it was crucial that their voices were really heard at COP27. . Creative Solutions – In a guest blog for IIED, Vanesa Castán Broto, Professor of climate urbanism at the University of Sheffield,…