News from Natural England and elsewhere

1. These are links c/o Natural England of recent research about the natural environment and health. Links between natural environments and physical activity: evidence briefing EIN020 – Links between natural environments and physiological health: evidence briefing EIN021 – Links between natural environments and obesity: evidence briefing   2. These are links to Public Health England resources Active…

Today’s featured blog is which you will find here. Recent posts include: Assessing Your Garden Soil: Providing an Optimum Chance for Good Plant Growth December 30, 2016 Backyard Herbs that Stretch Your Budget, Look Great, and Smell Wonderful December 19, 2016 A Super Guide for Beginning Gardeners: How to love getting your hands dirty,…

Jeff Ollerton’s Biodiversity Blog

Today’s blog is a link to Jeff Ollerton’s Biodiversity Blog which does what it says.  Jeff’s post is a seasonal one about holly and mistletoe.  It begins: “Each year I’ve always added at least one Christmas-themed biodiversity post to the blog, for example: Thank the insects for Christmas, A Christmas vignette, and Six Kingdoms for Christmas.  That’s partly because I really like…

Children, screens, the outdoors and health

On Christmas Day, the Guardian published a letter with the heading: Screen-based lifestyle harms children’s health It came from a long list of the respectable and the renown.  You will be impressed by the list of authors. It began: “A decade ago our first multiple-signatory “toxic childhood” press letter described how children’s health and wellbeing…

Bretforton First School’s Peace Garden

“We learned how to work together to look after the plants and the wildlife.” “We hope the garden will increase the wildlife population now we have improved their habitats.” So said a 6-year-old, and 10-year-old, respectively, about their experiences in the new Peace Garden at Bretforton First School.  The school’s Eco Team, comprising students from…

Brexit and GM 

What does the future hold for GM after the UK leaves the EU? Farming Minister George Eustace is discussing new rules for GM crops after Brexit, and while some believe this will free the UK to move towards a more open approach to GM. Peter Melchett, Soil Association policy director, argued on BBC Farming Today (October…

Data on our use of the natural environment

The Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) survey (from Natural England) provides data that show the ways that people engage with the natural environment such as visiting the countryside, enjoying green spaces in towns and cities, watching wildlife and volunteering to help protect the natural environment. Data are collected about how people use the natural…