Bretforton First School’s Peace Garden

“We learned how to work together to look after the plants and the wildlife.” “We hope the garden will increase the wildlife population now we have improved their habitats.” So said a 6-year-old, and 10-year-old, respectively, about their experiences in the new Peace Garden at Bretforton First School.  The school’s Eco Team, comprising students from…

Brexit and GM 

What does the future hold for GM after the UK leaves the EU? Farming Minister George Eustace is discussing new rules for GM crops after Brexit, and while some believe this will free the UK to move towards a more open approach to GM. Peter Melchett, Soil Association policy director, argued on BBC Farming Today (October…

Data on our use of the natural environment

The Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) survey (from Natural England) provides data that show the ways that people engage with the natural environment such as visiting the countryside, enjoying green spaces in towns and cities, watching wildlife and volunteering to help protect the natural environment. Data are collected about how people use the natural…

Do We Know What We Are Doing?

Rolf Jucker has a new book: Do We Know What We Are Doing? Reflections on Learning, Knowledge, Economics, Community and Sustainability We were particularly taken by the title of Chapter 4: ESD is Environmental Education (EE), but EE is Not Always ESD and look forward to reading it. Here are a couple of comments about…

The UK’s 25-year environment plan

There was a meeting the other week at Defra about the UK’s 25-year environment plan.  This was not actually about the plan, or about the environment; rather, it was about that most muddled of ideas, outdoor learning. In the following, NAEE Chair of Trustees, Bill Scott (who was there), sets out a few thoughts on what he sees…

Looking for a new president

NAEE is looking for a new president after Bill Scott, our most recent one, changed roles within the Association to be Chair of the Board of Trustees. We’re looking for an experienced UK environmental education practitioner and / or researcher well known and respected across the field someone whose values fit with those of NAEE professionally active,…

Unhealthy days out

The Soil Association spent the summer sending teams of undercover ‘secret diner’ families to review children’s food offerings at our favourite theme parks, museums, art galleries and zoos. As we all already knew, it’s mostly bad news.  The SA says: “We’ve uncovered a lack of healthy choices for children. 75% of children’s lunchboxes didn’t include any veg or salad…