the-wildlife-trustsThis is how the most recent blog by Phil Rothwell, the Head of UK Corporate and Public Affairs for The Wildlife Trusts, begins:

“Wildlife knows no political boundaries. I was reminded of this recently when I visited archaeological digs at Must Farm and Flag Fen in East Anglia.  The finds of fish hooks and the remains of wildfowl and fish traps, thousands of years old, were a poignant reminder of our reliance on natural resources, including migratory species that came and went with the seasons.  Preserved in the peat of East Anglia alongside the remains of fish and birds, are log boats, axe heads and spades, pottery and amber.  Amber from eastern Europe and tools of the same design as those found in Wales and Ireland, confirm extensive travel and trade from a time where countries and borders hardly existed.


What follows has great detail on how most advantageously the post-Brexit environmental settlement might evolve.

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