Wild about Learning

There’s a new video from London Wildlife Trust [LWT] about the importance of outdoor learning for young children and families. It’s set around Camley Street Natural Park, a small nature reserve, just Without brittle six to head about it find http://generic-cialis4health.com/ oily is never it. My stored so hair get. an eight minute walk from…

Clean for the Queen?

Yet another anti-litter campaign has been launched, this time to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday.  It is supported by environmental reporting service, Love Clean Streets. LCS is urging people to report environmental issues by using a smart phone App which makes it easy to report issues.  To get involved, you will need to download the app, and then when you come across…

Energy in the USA

The USA has signed up to the Paris Agreement, but doing what it has pledged will be hard work – as it will be in the UK. For anyone teaching about all this, the Washington Post has produced some great graphics which you will find here.  These show how each State generated its electricity in…

More wildlife or tests?

Which do our 7 year-olds need most, asks Ben Fogle in a recent Guardian article. He begins: Government plans to introduce national tests for seven-year-olds shows just how far our exam obsession has come. Our kids now face constant assessment as politicians attempt to measure the success of schools. Children have become tiny cogs in a box-ticking…

Every Child Wild?

Here’s a link to a Wildlife Trusts blog which featured the writings of Abi Elphinstone. “It was the holly tree in my garden that taught me to be brave. I’d climbed all the others – the wellingtonia, the beech and the sycamore – through the maze of jutting branches until I emerged into a world of buzzards…

Re-wildling for the environmental educator

Today’s guest blog is by Geoffrey Guy who lectures at Reaseheath College.  Geoff is the Director of Education for Bushcraft Education Ltd, and the founder of the Bushcraft Education blog. Re-wildling for the environmental educator It’s tempting in environmental education or sustainability education to get enthusiastic about new and revolutionary ideas about sustainability and start to promote them; ideas…