Summer Natural England Research Round up

You can see the late Summer round up of evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news from Natural England here. This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research,…

More Children and Nature Network blogs

1. September Is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month Ken Krall | WXPR  September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month in the U.S., a national event to raise awareness of the problem which affects one in six children in this country. Experts say a rise in idle activities, such as watching television and streaming services and playing video games, has the…

Our native wild cat

The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, and you can read it here.  It includes this on the British wildcat: There is only one native wild cat in Britain (for now! – see below) and work is ongoing in Scotland to ensure its survival. Read about one volunteer’s Wonderful Wildcat Experience.  James Walker writes…

Pete Cooper Wildlife

Pete Cooper is a 23 year old naturalist who’s been “obsessed with wildlife since childhood and now heading out into a career in wildlife conservation.”  His key specialist areas and interests are in mammal and herptofauna ecology, captive breeding, reintroductions and ecological restoration, and the nature of conservation conflicts.  He’s also a keen nature writer and blogger. His…

Natural History Wanderings

Natural History Wanderings is a US blog created by Sandy Steinman to share natural history explorations, especially wildflower travels and photos.   The main emphasis is to share experiences.  Recent posts include: California’s Forests Continue To Die After Years Of Drought  Interior Secretary Proposes Shrinking Four National Monuments  Mt. Rainier Wildflowers 8/24/17 Why Wildlife Corridors Are Important How To Talk…

Nature’s Web of Life

This is a link to the Nature’s Web of Life blog.  There are posts on: CONSERVATION ISSUES – for example, What Is Our Excuse ??? Conservation Ethics – Guiding A Reluctant Human Race There Is No Reason To Kill Predators Ecological Literacy – The Path To Human Survival ENGAGING NATURE – for example, The Serene, The Pristine,…

Rain Theory and Fact

Recently, Houston’s Cedar Bayou suburb had 52 inches of rain in less that a week, courtesy of Tropical Storm Harvey; a new record for the US mainland.  Meanwhile, a hemisphere away, and much less reported, more than 1,000 people died in this year’s monsoon with almost 700,000 homes destroyed in Bangladesh. As the Times reminded us  (and chemists everywhere…