The Latest Green Teacher journal contents

The Fall 2018 edition of Canada’s Green Teacher (Vol 118) has been published.  Here are the contents: Plastic Grass isn’t Greener  by Rochelle Rubinstein An exploration of the environmental and human health hazards of artificial turf in our schools and communities   Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals  by Grace Van Mil A new strategy for engaging students on…

Bees in Primary School?

Today’s blog is by NAEE Fellow, Tim Baker, Headteacher of Charlton Manor Primary School in Greenwich. In 2007 I turned up to the school after a meeting to be greeted with a swarm of bees which had attached itself by the school entrance. The premises manager had taped off an area around the swarm and visitors…

More updates from Natural England

This post sets out links to recent (Autumn 2018) evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and…

The ‘impact’ agenda: how does it influence our practice?

Today’s blog is by NAEE Fellow Melissa Glackin from King’s College, London. ‘Does the policy-making process engage authentically with practice?’ This is one of the important questions that colleagues at King’s College London are exploring in the ESRC-funded study: Rethinking Impact, Evaluation and Accountability in Youth Work.  This week I had the good fortune to attend…

Green Schools Project update

The Green Schools Project has a blog and you can see the archive here.  You’ll see that the latest post is about Extinction Rebellion and school climate strikes. The first UK youth school climate strike was in London in December.  This  was arranged in only a few days and attracted around 12 school students.  Since then young people…

NAEE at the ASE conference

What follows is an account by Juliette Green of the presentations NAEE made at the recent ASE conference.  This will be published in the next NAEE journal (Vol 120) which has a focus on the sustainable development goals. On Thursday 10thJanuary 2019, NAEE volunteers (Juliette Green, Nina Hatch and Bill Scott) attended the Association for…

50 young environment ambassadors

Over 50 young people from around the UK have today been announced as environment ambassadors as part of the run up to the government’s 2019 Year of Green Action [YoGA] – a year-long drive to see more people from all backgrounds involved in projects to improve the natural world. The #iwill4nature initiative, part of the #iwill campaign which aims…

Update from Natural England

This post sets out links to recent (late Autumn 2018) evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy…

Opportunities for an SDG focus at primary and secondary level

Joyce Hallam, retired Head Teacher of Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary School, now Geography Consultant and voluntary support worker with the local Global Learning Programme has drawn up a sample of statutory statements in three subject areas of primary and secondary education which provide huge scope for developing concepts, ideas, knowledge, skills values and attitudes that relate directly to GCE…

The Green Schools Project

Click here to read the latest blogs from the Green Schools project.  Issues you’ll find include: NUS and Green Schools Project Pupil Environmental Attitude Survey For the past eight years the NUS has surveyed university students on their attitudes towards sustainability which has shown a consistent desire from students to learn more about it and to have…

LEEF launches the King’s report on secondary environmental education

This is a brief report from LEEF [ London Environmental Educators’ Forum London’s Professional Network of Environmental Educators ] on last month’s launch at King’s College London of the two research reports into environmental education in secondary schools.  LEEF writes: A big thank you to Melissa Glackin and Heather King for presenting their report and to Bill Scott…

The Pete Cooper Wildlife Blog

Pete Cooper’s blog has a wide range of feature articles.  Recent ones have had a rewilding theme and build on Steve Carver’s post last January which we reported on then: REWILDING AT RAU/CIRENCESTER COLLEGE – BUILDING BRIDGES? NICE (TO LIVE WITH) BEAVER: ADVENTURES IN BAVARIA SILENT FIELDS REVISITED: DON’T LET SHIFTING BASELINES TELL US HOW MUCH NATURE…