Saving Humanity – The 240 mile-high view

Today’s blog is the first in a series from Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, ran the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, launching a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability.  As ever, with our blogs, Richard’s views are not necessarily shared by…

Climate Justice

Dr Beth Christie is a Lecturer in Education in the Outdoor and Environmental Education Section of the Moray House School of Education at the University of Edinburgh. She is Programme Director for the MSc Learning for Sustainability, and a member of the Childhood and Youth Studies research group. Beth has a particular interest in climate…

More research c/o Natural England

Here’s the latest in a selection of articles recently identified by Natural England in the Nature Connection, Engagement and Pro-environmental Behaviour category The green care code: How nature connectedness and simple activities help explain pro‐nature conservation behavioursM Richardson, HA Passmore, L Barbett, R Lumber. R Thomas, A Hunt – People and NatureThis study is the first of…

New-normal in the wildlife world

Today’s blog is by Sheila Gundry, the Development Manager at Froglife and an NAEE Fellow. As ever, the views expressed are Sheila’s, and are not necessarily shared by NAEE. My work involves developing and managing environmental education programmes, particularly with the more disadvantaged groups in our communities, so how can this continue given the Covid-19…

Research round-up – Summer 2020

Natural England has brought together recently published research on learning and the environment. Highlights include: What future/s for outdoor and environmental education in a world that has contended with COVID-19?Contributions from Simon Beames, Rowena Passy and Sue Waite – Journal of Outdoor and Environmental EducationThis article brings together the perspectives of many on the journal’s editorial board,…