National Get Outside Day

Sunday [Sept 30th] is National GetOutside Day which is an idea hatched by the Ordnance Survey with the aim is to get a million UK people outdoors to have a good time – and maybe even to learn something valuable – even if it’s only that you can have a good time outside. Wordsworth knew a thing to two about this: The…

EER Bulletin 11

Environmental Education Research Bulletin 11 has been published.   This synthesizes and summarizes research from journals on issues pertaining to environmental educators.  The following caught our eye: Scientific Citizenship: Understanding student knowledge, motivations, and beliefs Vesterinen, V. – M., Tolppanen, S., & Aksela, M.. (2016). Toward citizenship science education: what students do to make the world a…

Green Schools Blog

The Green Schools Project [GSP] was set up to enable young people to get involved with environmental projects.  The idea is that schools should be setting a good example, educating students about how to live in a way that minimises negative impacts on the environment.  GSP says that, in reality, this is often not the case…

A foretaste of TEESNet 2018

Here are some of the papers being presented at the September TEESNet conference.  We notice that a focus on the SDGs is outweighing that on ESD which is to be expected and a welcome sign.  A focus on GC/GL persists, however, with little discernible interest in EE even though the Goals do require a focus on…

UK museum collections and nature conservation

Henry McGhie, Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology at Manchester Museum (part of the University of Manchester) is undertaking a study, funded by the British Ecological Society, that aims to help strengthen and develop UK natural sciences collections as a research-useful infrastructure in support of nature conservation and ecological research.  The methodology draws on Prof Bill…

More from Natural England

Here’s a further set of evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and practice in these areas: The…

The latest from Natural England

Here’s a round up of evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and practice in these areas: Nature…

The Summer Green Teacher

The latest Green Teacher (Vol 116) has been published.  Here are the contents: Maskwi’omin: A Birch Bark Antibiotic by Matthias Bierenstiel, Tuma T.W. Young and Kathy Snow Bringing Western and Indigenous methods to the science classroom The Wild About Vancouver Festival by Elizabeth Beattie and Hartley Banack An annual outdoor education festival that encourages everyone to…

Environmental Education Vol 118

The Summer 2018 edition [ Vol 118 ] is now available to members c/o the NAEE website.   This has been edited by Henricus Peters and Juliette Green and has a focus on Literacy.  Its contents include: Ecoliteracy – David Whitley Teaching literacy outside – Juliet Robertson Persuasive writing about plastics – Julie Williams Green story competition – Denise Baden The next generation of…