Will education drive the SDGs – or is it learning?

An international conference: Education as a Driver for Sustainable Development Goals is being organized by Centre for Environment Education (CEE), in partnership with UNESCO, UNEP and the Government of India. The Conference will take place from January 11-13, 2016.  It aims to bring together global experience and expertise to “highlight and strengthen the role of education” in realizing…

Our very own Green World Ambassador

Huge congratulations to NAEE trustee and Coventry environmentalist and artist Gabrielle Back,  who has been honoured as an International Green World Ambassador at a presentation ceremony at the Houses of Parliament. This recognition comes as a result of the success of Gabrielle’s Creative Recycling and Climate Change Surveyance project, which has won an International Green Apple…

Our interconnectness

Exploring Global Issues: Social, Economic, and Environmental Interconnections is a student text and teacher’s Guide CD from the USA.  The text includes 24 chapters on topics such as food, water, economics, governance, health, air, globalization, and sustainable design. In addition to case studies, career profiles, and youth-as-heroes features, readings intentionally interweave social, environmental, and economic threads…

Energy Trumps

Energy Trumps is a card game produced by the Centre for Alternative Technology, which enables players to learn more about different supplies of energy and the various positives and negatives features associated with each. There are cards on … gas, coal, oil, carbon capture, nuclear, passive solar, solar water heating, solar PV, CSP, liq bio…

How much food do you waste?

A recent report in the Guardian’s Environment section said that 1.3bn tonnes of food, about a third of all that is produced, is wasted every year.  This includes about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of fish and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat. The Guardian also details a…

Last Child in the Woods

Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, will be the keynote speaker at a Montessori conference in London on March 12th 2016, and he may be staying on for a few more days for other presentations.  We’ll keep you informed. We think that there a quite a few children in the woods these days, but we do…

From pessimism to hope …

Ben Ballin, from Tide~ global learning, has contributed a post to the Cambridge Primary Review Blog.  It’s titled From pessimism to hope: global learning and sustainability, and you can read it here.  It begins: When the Cambridge Primary Review conducted its Community Soundings in 2007, it encountered a widespread sense of the world as a threatening place for children. The Review’s Final…