Rain Theory and Fact

Recently, Houston’s Cedar Bayou suburb had 52 inches of rain in less that a week, courtesy of Tropical Storm Harvey; a new record for the US mainland.  Meanwhile, a hemisphere away, and much less reported, more than 1,000 people died in this year’s monsoon with almost 700,000 homes destroyed in Bangladesh. As the Times reminded us  (and chemists everywhere…

Teaching for a better world

Here is a link to David Hick’s blog – Teaching for a Better World: learning for sustainability, and this is the link to his latest posting on sustainable schools.  This begins: A sustainable future The notion of ‘sustainability’ emerged in the 1980s and has become the key concept for exploring the impact of human activity on…

Varied, Valuable but Vulnerable

For several years in newsletters and other publicity our local Cumbria association has used the strapline: Varied, valuable but vulnerable. So much change is underway both nationally and locally at the moment with many important decisions to be made that the implications for the many special areas of the UK risk being ignored.  Last Saturday I…

What Sir David said in Edinburgh

Here are a few of the remarks that Sir David Attenborough made at the Edinburgh International Television Festival yesterday. “I spend a lot of time wringing my hands and saying how dreadful it is that this forest has been obliterated and that sea has been polluted and whatever. But there are signs of hope.” “I have…

Nothing exists in isolation

A Web of Life blog on our interconnectivity by William Graham begins like this: Nothing exists solely on its own. From the most minuscule atomic particle to the grandest galaxies, the past, the present, and the future of every animate and inanimate being in our universe, including human beings, is defined by its interconnection to everything…

What’s your footprint?

Conservation International is giving you the chance to calculate and then offset your carbon footprint.  The details are here. It also gives you the chance to miss out the calculation part and just offset your footprint anyway – whatever it is.  All major credit cards are accepted, CI says: “Protecting forests is a critical part of…

Summer update from Natural England – part 1

Natural England has released its latest round up of recent evidence and reports, policy developments, large scale initiatives, resources and news items. This is to support the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All [SRGLNEOA] to “develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and…