More from Natural England

Here’s more evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and practice in these areas: International perspectives on Forest…

Reflections on a Green Apple

Nina Hatch, chair of NAEE’s executive committee writes about the award of a Green Apple. Awards come in all shapes and sizes and can mean a great deal (or not) to the recipient.  The one NAEE has just received really is Green Apple shaped and mounted on a gold coloured engraved plinth.  I do not know what the apple is made from…

Shanghai, a model of sustainability?

Henricus Peters NAEE’s e-journal Editor writes from Shanghai: Sustainability, the key concept interwoven with the 2016-17 UN Year of Sustainable Tourism, is seen in many facets of daily life.  Since the United States stepped aside from its role as a world leader regarding the environment, via its withdrawal from the Paris agreement and UNESCO, China is now…

CLOTC blogs

The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom publishes a number of blogs.  Here is a small selection of the recent ones: Born Outdoors – Outdoor Citizens Anita Kerwin-Nye, founder of Every Child Should, begins … “My love for the outdoors and the role it has played in my personal well being is well documented. Similarly, how outdoor…

The Windmill Index

Ronald Rovers‘ latest blog is about the necessary transition to renewable energy, and he has been calculating how many wind mills (2GW turbines) the world will need to cater for life’s necessities (some of which are clearly luxuries).  For example, he calculates (it’s a guesstimate) that 110 wind turbines are needed for the operation of…

National Poetry day

We mark National Poetry Day with John Clare’s Anticipating the Coming Autumn.   Clare was not strong on punctuation, and is likely frowned upon in these puritanical days where the ability to put your apostrophes in the right place is so important, and knowing how to analyse sentence structure sometimes seems more crucial than any meanings it might…

EAUC and the SDGs

EAUC – the Environmental Association for Universities & Colleges – ran a series of webinars: A Cup of Tea and an SDG recently in celebration of Global Goals Week, and you can now watch them online: Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities Goal 11  – Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 13 – Climate Action…

Outdoor maths

Juliet Robertson has a new Circle of Life Rediscovery blog post about outdoor maths: “6 ideas for using syringes in a mathematical way outside”. This begins: “I’ve always used syringes for water play, mark making, as air pumps in technology projects and for having fun in the snow. I’ve always chosen the biggest syringes I could…

The state of environmental education in secondary schools in England

A two-part report exploring the state of environmental education in secondary schools in England has been published.   The project was: Understanding Environmental Education in Secondary Schools. Where is it, what is it and what should the future be?  Here’s a brief summary with links: Report 1: Policy Perspectives Summary: The provision of environmental education in formal schooling…