Children and Nature Network research

Here’s a link to the latest research digest from the Children & Nature Network.  The work reported is: Attention Restoration Green Schoolyards & Surrounding Greenness Link between Childhood Experiences and Adults’ Connectedness to Nature Research Tools Social-Emotional Benefits Special Needs Here’s more detail on two of these: Natural environments near schools are positively linked to the…

From a Cumbrian Headteacher

Today’s blog is by Graham Frost, headteacher of Robert Ferguson Primary School in Carlisle.  Graham blogs at: and this post is reproduced here with his permission.  You can follow Graham @GrahamFrost Educators should give young people knowledge and understanding about climate change, but then allow them to speak out about it. School leaders have a…

Getting ready for the first ‘urban’ environmental conference in the UK

Today’s blog is by Rachel Cook a PhD student at King’s College, London who volunteers with the Lambeth Natural Thinkers project and with LEEF, the London Environmental Educators’ Forum. It is an interesting paradox that no one speaks more loudly than young people when they have been persistently silenced.  Thanks to young peoples’ direct action to demand greater environmental action from the…

The NUS response to Ofsted

Last week we featured the NAEE response to Ofsted’s consultation on its proposed revisions to its inspection framework.   This is the response by NUS to Ofsted: “We welcome the proposal to introduce a quality of education judgement and to judge personal development separately from behaviour and attitudes.  Specifically, we very much welcome the new…

NAEE response to Ofsted

Ofsted recently launched a consultation seeking views on its proposals for changes to the education inspection framework from September 2019.  NAEE has contributed to (and supported) the response to Ofsted made by the Natural Environment Sector Partnership [NESP], which is organised by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom on behalf of the learning outside the classroom sector.  …