The Rotary / NAEE Heart of England Save the planet from plastic schools competition ended with an extensive exhibition that was launched by the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor Linda Bingham, and the Rotary Heart of England District Governor, Saroj Bala Jaspal, at the end of June.  The exhibition comprised six large collages constructed from plastic bags and other plastic objects.  A giant bottle depiction was made up of hundreds of Rotarian signatures pledging to cut down on the use of plastic.  Twenty models of monsters and other sculptures made out of plastic bottles and objects were also on display.

The competition received 200 entries from 12 schools, including 2 that have been awarded NAEE Kenrick grants, and there were additional entries from Rotary supported groups (Rotakids).  During the event, there was also a 3-minute well researched presentation on plastic pollution issues by a Year 12 student from Bablake School.   She had already won a regional Rotary International competition Youth Speaks.

The winning school from Kenilworth received a £100 prize and the Leaper Trophy sponsored by the JLR company; all other schools received participation certificates.  The exhibition resulting from this very successful project is on display at Holy Trinity in Broadgate, Coventry until December 2019.

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