Children and Nature Research Digest

Click here to read the latest Children and Nature Research Digest. This is a new and welcome venture from CN&N, and there are features on: Creativity     Education     Environmental Concern     Families     Mental health     Physical health and activity     Play     Social justice For example: Nature imagery promotes creativity High school students viewing…

Brundtland 2.0

Here’s Ronald Rovers again.  This time the blog is about the need to think again about what Brundtland said. It begins: “Maybe its understandable, but in fact a kind of ‘national narcism’: Solving the climate change problem, while maintaining all modern comfort and luxury, gained over the past 150 years by depleting an plundering resources…

Outward Bound Blogs

The Outward Bound Trust publishes blogs on a wide range of issues that are relevant to its work.  Its most recent one was on the “death of the graduate”, and looked at the issue of apprenticeships and recruitment to the outdoor learning industry. Other recent ones were on: Maths and the Mountains Education Investor Awards and…

A tree is not just for Christmas

Here’s Dutch blogger Ronald Rovers reflecting on our use of Christmas trees and the issue of what’s best: ‘real’ or artificial ones – or artificial real ones.  It’s complex enough to write this, but much more so when you get into the issues, as RR does.  Here’s the link. We’ll be featuring more from Ronald’s blog…

European nature laws not to be revised

Here’s a blog from The Wildlife Trusts about good news for wildlife. It begins: “Today the European Commission agreed not to ‘open’ up the Birds and Habitats Directives (the ‘Nature Directives’) – these are key European wildlife protection laws which had been the subject of a review into their effectiveness.  Opening up these laws to further…

Big Garden Birdwatch

Here’s a recent RSPB blog (by Kevin Middleton) about the forthcoming Big Garden Birdwatch. It begins: “Before this weekend I rarely spent a prolonged period of time watching the birds in our garden. It was a revelation to see who visited and I am now ‘hooked’!”  We get messages like this from thousands of people every year…

Magic Breakfast

The Magic Breakfast project provided 106 schools with support and resources to offer a free, universal, before-school breakfast club, including to all Year 2 and Year 6 pupils.  The aim of the project was to improve attainment outcomes by increasing the number of children who ate a healthy breakfast.  The schools in the project were…