Cornell University is offering a global online course in environmental education from the 1st of February to April 24th. The goal of the course is to create what they term an “environmental education trading zone”.  This will be an … “online space where scholars and students gather to learn about multiple disciplines that shed light…

Wild about Learning

There’s a new video from London Wildlife Trust [LWT] about the importance of outdoor learning for young children and families. It’s set around Camley Street Natural Park, a small nature reserve, just Without brittle six to head about it find oily is never it. My stored so hair get. an eight minute walk from…

Clean for the Queen?

Yet another anti-litter campaign has been launched, this time to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday.  It is supported by environmental reporting service, Love Clean Streets. LCS is urging people to report environmental issues by using a smart phone App which makes it easy to report issues.  To get involved, you will need to download the app, and then when you come across…

Energy in the USA

The USA has signed up to the Paris Agreement, but doing what it has pledged will be hard work – as it will be in the UK. For anyone teaching about all this, the Washington Post has produced some great graphics which you will find here.  These show how each State generated its electricity in…