29th May 2023

The DoE goes Green – Young people doing their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award can work with Young Climate Warriors’ on the ‘Skills Section’ of the award.  Details here. . Change the Curriculum – Teach the Future has launched 5 new subjects in its Curriculum for a Changing Climate project.  If you didn’t see the launch webinar last week, you can catch up on the…

22nd May 2023

Ministry of Eco Education – Coming up in May are two regional climate teacher gathering events.  One is in Bristol on 30th May; the other in London on 31st May.  These will bring teachers together to co-create climate education resources.  More detail here. . World-wide  – GEEP showcases environmental education efforts in countries around the world.  It has a collection of country profiles from around…

15th May 2023

Hot & Bothered – Sustainable theatre company Pigfoot is releasing a short documentary ‘Bothered’.  Drawn from conversations with young people, young activists and teachers across the United Kingdom, this 14 minute documentary examines the current state of climate education in the UK and shares how people can be part of change.  It features the Teach the Future network, and those…


Biodiversity is degrading at alarming rates with the people living in biodiversity-rich areas often bearing the heaviest costs of these losses and of inequitable conservation efforts. In response to this emergency, biodiversity credits – or ‘biocredits’ – are emerging as a new kind of financial asset: a measurable, traceable and tradeable unit of biodiversity, that…

Faustian Bargains : part 1– The Horse Poop Debate

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by…

One School at a Time

Leadership for Sustainability: saving the planet one school at a time David Dixon, Crown House Publishing, 2022 250pp, paperback, £18.99, ISBN 978-1-78135-401-8  September 2022 saw the 60th anniversary of the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring which drew attention to the devastating impact that the indiscriminate use of pesticides such as DDT was having on the natural world. It…

8th May 2023

Llywodraeth Cymru – Unlike younger pupils, students in Welsh schools currently studying in years 8-11 are still being taught the pre-reform curriculum.  Although this was required to have an integrated ESDGC [ education for sustainable development / global citizenship ] programme, this was not widely implemented or considered to be important by most educators.  Rather, it tended to be slotted…

Transforming Our World

Clicking here will take you to the news stories on the Transform Our World website. You can look across the whole of the UK and also by region, and you can sign up to its newsletter. Transform our World also offers access to a range of young person events, including its annual Transform our World…