The Age of Sustainable Development

Jeffrey Sachs is an eminent analyst of global development.  His new book The Age of Sustainable Development, which was recently presented and discussed at UN headquarters in New York, gives an insight into the current post-2015 negotiations and the concept of sustainable development. The publishers say: Jeffrey D. Sachs is one of the world’s most perceptive and…

A Year Around the Great Oak

A Year Around the Great Oak is a beautifully written and illustrated picture book telling the story of two children, Benjamin and Anna, who visit their forester uncle through the year. The story tracks the cycle through the seasons of a three hundred year old oak tree and the children’s relationship with it through the year, as…

I Love My World

‘I Love my World’ claims to be the book most used by qualified Forest School teachers, endorsed by no less than Michael Morpurgo.  It is packed full of well thought-out, inspiring ideas for leading outdoor activities with children, teenagers and adults. Holland’s teaching plans are empowering and precise, with clear instructions on how to prepare,…

Thinking Allowed on Schooling

Thinking Allowed on Schooling is crammed with down-to-earth common sense observations and advice, formed from exhaustive research and vast experience of all levels in the education system. As a Cumbrian colleague, I could be accused of bias in my comments about this book, but Mick Water’s track record speaks volumes.  He started as a primary…

Never mind the Romans

What has nature ever done for us? is the title of a well-received book by Tony Juniper which was published in 2013 by Profile Books?   As the blurb says: “… nature provides the ‘natural services’ that keep the economy going.  From the recycling miracles in the soil;  an army of predators ridding us of unwanted pests;…