Environmental Education Major Works

Routledge has announce the publication of: Environmental Education, a major works collection in the Critical Concepts in the Environment series.  Its editors are Alan Reid and NAEE President, Justin Dillon.  Routledge says: “Addressing the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of this rapidly growing subject and its multidisciplinary corpus of scholarly literature, ‘Environmental Education’…

Animal Behaviour

Why do birds have regional accents?   Can horses learn mathematics?   What do animals without eyes see?   How do salmon return to their spawning grounds?   How does the Syrian desert hamster know where its burrow is, after hours of foraging in the pitch black desert night? Ethology – the study of animal…

Browse the NHBS Backlist

The NHBS Backlist Bargain sale runs until the March 2017.  You can, it says: “save up to 60% on nearly 2,000 field guides, monographs, scientific textbooks and more, covering a broad range of topics in ornithology, entomology, mammalian biology, zoology, evolution, ecology, and botany.” NHBS started life as the Natural History Book Service in London…

The Children’s Garden

‘The Children’s Garden’ provides a useful resource for any teacher keen to maximise the potential of a school garden for the purposes of enjoyment and creativity. The handbook is organised into sections based on the seasons. In Spring, one of the most fun and creative ideas is the construction of a ‘wall of sound and…