So said Kermit the Frog, as Dan Worth reminds us at the end of his recent article for

The focus of the article is the DfE’s wish (in its sustainability and climate change strategy) that all schools and nurseries should have designated sustainability leads by 2025. In exploring this, Dan Worth argues that, although it’s a proposal that poses many questions, it’s clear that these people will have a tough task ahead of them.

This role will require the chosen individual to own (in DfE speak) a climate action plan that will outline the school’s approach to sustainability in terms of  curricular and extracurricular activity, procurement, adaptation to climate change and decarbonisation plans. The article explores the workload implications of this, especially in small institutions. For example, Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Early Years Alliance, is quoted: “We value the DfE’s focus on sustainability in the early years. However, expectations for providers must be realistic and serve to inspire early years educators, not overwhelm them.” 

And then there’s resourcing. Kulvarn Atwal, executive headteacher of two large primary schools in the London Borough of Redbridge, said that meaningful support – including funding – is needed: “The person would need to be supported by appropriate professional development as well as sufficient funding resourcing for all schools. It should also be practitioner led, so teachers should be involved in leading at a strategic level, including the development of resources.”

Dan Worth’s article also focuses on carbon literacy training, learning from established practice, “pupil power”, the role of governors, and the key role for Multi Academy Trusts.

You can read the whole thing here.

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