20th May 2024

Nature Connection – Generation Wild was recognised for ‘best contribution towards transforming nature connection’ at the recent 2024 Outdoor Recreation Network awards.  The programme offers a free nature connection programme for schools in economically disadvantaged areas and it has just passed a significant milestone with the 100,000th nature activity being completed by participating children.  To celebrate this, WWT has produced…

Through a Glass Darkly: Part 5 – Transformation

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin. Before his retirement, Richard led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by NAEE.…

Connecting water to global citizenship

Mary Murphy & Elsa Lee Connecting Water to Global Citizenship via Education for Sustainable Development (CW2GC) was an ESRCfunded research project at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge that investigated the impact on young people’s learning through participation in community-based water regeneration projects. Its central aim was to explore what young people learn about…

13th May 2024

NAEE Journal – The latest edition of NAEE’s Environmental Education is now available for members.  It has a particular focus on insects: Small Wonders; Big Opportunities.  It is available on the member page of the website.  All other editions of the journal dating back to 1971 can be read via the website’s journal page. To become a member and get the journal…

Natural England Update

Here’s an update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration in…

Soya, Solar or Wine?

We occasionally feature the writings of Ronald Rovers, a Dutch commenter on sustainability. A 2023 post focused on whether it makes sense for a country in the northern latitudes to grow vines, or soybeans, or to house solar panels. This is how it begins: “I’m sitting on a terrace on the borders of the Moselle, tasting some local wine. And looking out over…

6th May 2024

Climate in Education Snapshot – Here is the link to the DfE’s April snapshot.  There are details of: A Rounder Sense of Purpose, Walk to School Week, Nature Park webinars, an outdoor learning approach to teaching climate and sustainability in primary schools, boosting Birmingham’s biodiversity through the Nature Park, and Sustainability Learning.  There is no news of the fabled…

Discovering Shared Values

Below is the descriptor of new research between the University of Bath and Global Action Plan. The principal investigator [PI] is Lukas Wolf  and co-investigators are Professor Gregory Maio, Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh, Dr Elizabeth Marks, Dr Philip Howlett, Samuel Taylor, and Dr Natasha Parker (Global Action Plan) Description The growing threat of the environmental crisis presents…

Labour Education Policies

As a UK educational charity, NAEE is politically neutral, but we do have an interest in what political parties say and get up to in relation to education and environmental policy. As it now seems distinctly possible that the leader of the Labour Party will be asked to form the next UK government after the…

29th April 2024

Supporting Sustainability and Environmental Education – On Tuesday July 2nd Middlesex University, in partnership with UCL’s Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education (CCCSE), and the London Schools Eco Network (LSEN) is hosting a face-to-face conference on Supporting Sustainability and Environmental Education in Secondary Schools.  The conference is aimed at secondary education staff especially sustainability leads, senior leaders or any staff…