FEN conference update

Here is more detail on the Forest Education Network conference on March 23rd.  FEN says: The Forest Education Network (FEN) invites everyone with an interest in forest education to this special CPD event at FSC Bishops Wood Centre on Thursday 23rd March 2017.  Forestry is the growing and management of trees for wildlife, people and the economy;…

A tree is not just for Christmas

Here’s Dutch blogger Ronald Rovers reflecting on our use of Christmas trees and the issue of what’s best: ‘real’ or artificial ones – or artificial real ones.  It’s complex enough to write this, but much more so when you get into the issues, as RR does.  Here’s the link. We’ll be featuring more from Ronald’s blog…

The latest from RCE Severn

An exciting new university project linked to the Photography course, engaging students, staff and the community. This is an exploratory, reflective journey of understanding the movement of people and its impacts on society, through discussion and photography. More information here.  The course leader and students are looking for community organisations and community members interested and willing…

Think Global Fairtrade activities

Think Global has a range of activities planned for its Fairtrade Fortnight Speakers’ Tour, including visits to schools, universities, and engaging with local social enterprises. Sharing Experiences of Fairtrade – Monday 27th February 6-8pm, Think Global, London Fairtrade under Fire – Thursday 2nd March 6.30-9.30pm, Brighthelm Centre, Brighton Lamis Zamzam and Bassema Barahmeh (above) are producers from Zaytoun, a community interest…

US Environmental Education update

Click here to read the latest from the United States in NAAEE’s monthly update. You’ll find lots of positive stories, including … The Benefits of Environmental Education for K–12 Students NAAEE, Stanford University, and other respected organizations are partnering to demonstrate the impact and value of EE through eeWORKS. Find out what the literature says regarding…

World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate

Here’s a link to a UNESCO report on World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate.  It begins: From Venice and its Lagoon to the Galápagos Islands, some of the world’s most iconic World Heritage sites are vulnerable to climate change.  In this new analysis, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Union…