Throughout the two weeks of COP26, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland published a range of guest blogs on the importance of centring nature in the climate discussion, the vital significance of loss and damage funding, and the radical change that is needed for transport as we confront the climate crisis. You can read all their blogs on the news section of the SCCS website.
One of these was a post from Dr Samantha Ross, International Programme Director at Link Education International, who writes about Education and Climate Change. Samantha says that the climate emergency is the most significant intergenerational equity issue of our time, the urgency of climate action applies to everyone, and it has far-reaching and devastating consequences.
Link Education International is “Link is Scotland’s leading international education charity, working to improve the futures of people living in some of the most marginalised communities in the world”. It has a particular focus on supporting girls to get a quality education. It says that not only do girls have a right to learn, but educated, confident girls can better help communities to prepare, reduce, adapt and respond to climate-related risks. Link will continue to champion and support girls in their learning and are committing to building environmental and sustainability concerns into its existing work.
To learn more about how Link Education International is building resilience to climate change, please read this paper detailing its approach.