I use these ‘Spot 50’ books all the time when working outside with children (other titles include wildflowers, trees and insects). They are easy to navigate as a simple field guide, and contain just the right level and amount of information about each species.
Each species has its own page, with a large labelled picture and a fact file (scientific name, size, call, breeding information etc). The 50 birds are organised by family (flycatchers, wagtails and waxwings; thrushes; finches; martins, swallows and swifts; woodpeckers; raptors etc), with each family having a different coloured page background. The contents page doubles up as a checklist to tick off the species that are seen.
Spot 50 Garden Birds. Camilla de la Bedoyere (2014). Miles Kelly Publishing. Paperback, pp56. ISBN 978-1-84810-610-7. RRP £6.99.