Here are some details of workshops at the 2016 national sustainable schools conference, run by SEEd in Leicester on March 2nd.
- Ashden Awards, Alex Green – Showcases and explores examples of energy saving techniques in schools
- Beetles and Bees, Jenny Stevens – Looks at diverse ways of encouraging outdoor exploration
- Big Brum, Rumpelstiltskin, the Straw Baby – Looks at young people’s values and rights through Theatre in Education
- East of England, Sandra Laurisden – Hands on workshop exploring food and farming
- Eco-Action Games, Paula Owen – Giant eco-playground pop-up
- Eco-Schools, Morgan Phillips – Explores Eco-Schools links to the National Curriculum
- Global Learning Programme, Jane Carpenter – Looks at how schools can engage pupils in Sustainable Development
- Learning Through Landscapes, David Kilner – Highlights different ways that teachers can take their teaching outside of the classroom
- Leicester Mayasa Link, Claire Plumb – Illustrates how critical thinking skills can be used to motivate students to create positive solutions to local and global problems
- NUS, Quinn Runkle – Explores how FE/HE institutions are embedding sustainability across all subject areas
- SE2, Liz Warren – Looks at ways schools can help to reduce their environmental impact
- Systems Games, Robin de Carteret – Uses interactive games to explore complex systems
- Target4Green, Peter Milne – Looks at how human and physical processes interact to influence and change landscapes, environments and the climate
- TIDE, Catheryn Gathercole – Shares learning from a 3 year international curriculum development project
- Woodcraft Folk, Joe Wyatt – Explores how the Woodcraft Folk have introduced sustainability issues to young people
You can register as a delegate on the SEEd website.