The Winter 2023 edition of Canada’s Green Teacher magazine [ Vol 134 ] has now been published. It has a focus on energy transitions. You’ll find details here.
The full contents is only available to subscribers but every edition contains two articles that are freely available. This is the contents:
Clean Energy Ready to Displace Fossil Fuels by Markham Hislop
Why the energy transition is picking up speed
Navigating the Energy Transition by Markham Hislop
Pitfalls and obstacles along the path to a clean energy future
The Case for Optimism by Markham Hislop (Free Article)
Why we might be on our way toward a future where we ‘get it right’
Framework for Energy Transition Lesson Plans by Chloe Faught and Gillian Petrini (Free Article)
January 2023
Lesson Two: Our Changing Energy Use Over Time
Lesson Three: Race to Net Zero (Free Lesson Plan)
Lesson Four: Energy Transition Leaders
Lesson Five: Global Energy Expo
Extension Lesson: Energy Access, Autonomy, and Transition in Canadian Indigenous Communities