Neil Kitching has written for NAEE before, for example about climate optimism. Here he draws some of the themes of his blogs together. As ever with all our guest blogs, the view’s expressed are his and are not necessarily shared by the Association.
In this article, I weave the various themes of my blogs together. These blogs aim to be interesting, and to educate and inspire. After publishing my first book, Carbon Choices on the common-sense solutions to our climate and nature crises, everyone asked me if I am writing another book. Yes, I’d love to, but it is too much when I work full time. So, maybe when I retire I will write a book on the multiple benefits of taking action to address climate change. In the meantime, I am writing short blogs.
My Early Blogs
Not surprisingly my first two blogs were about my book. What inspired me to write Carbon Choices, and a 200-word synopsis. This was closely followed by two blogs on the new corona virus – compare and contrast the action governments took to tackle covid-19 v the climate emergency, then explaining why global emissions only fell by 10% despite strict lockdowns.
Climate Solutions
Several of my blogs focus on the solutions to climate change. One lists 24 actions from my book; another lists 12 radical solutions, whilst my latest one focuses simply on taxation as this is so important and often done so badly.
Blogs on solutions closer to home are popular. How to insulate your home and the future of heating are very topical given rising energy costs. Should I buy an electric car was a guest blog, whilst trialling an electric bike is based on my own experience.
Wealth and Consumption
Not an area that many environmentalists focus on, but the main cause of climate change is our unsustainable consumption of goods and services. I published a blog on Christmas consumption and how to avoid excess; and a guest blog on fast fashion – a major contributor to pollution and emissions. However, I got my best feedback from my blog on the super-rich and asking the question “can I be rich and green”? Thought provoking.
Nature and community
Our climate and nature crises are intertwined. I have written blogs on why I support rewilding initiatives and how communities can take action to tackle invasive species.
Also, on the theme of community, is my blog on how communities can take local action to address climate change issues and a guest blog on community gardens.
Quirky Analogies
Perhaps my favourite blogs are on the theme of quirky analogies.
How to double your carbon emissions without breaking sweat is a hard hitting and thought-provoking blog. If it is easy to double your emissions, is it equally easy to halve them?
My blog on smoking showed that it took decades for society to tackle our addiction to nicotine; we can tackle the climate crisis using many of the same techniques.
And two blogs on ‘net zero’. One exploring the value of net zero targets set by businesses, followed by a comparison of achieving net zero targets with climbing a mountain – plan and prepare followed by a lot of hard work.
Climate Change, COP26
I have only written one blog on the impacts of climate change – an update on the latest science and news. There are plenty of better qualified climate scientists out there.
I wrote three blogs on the climate conference; what is COP26, Glasgow and COP26 and my thoughts on the outcome of COP26.
Climate Optimism
And finally, a blog on climate optimism. The solutions to climate change have multiple benefits for people, society and the environment. If you are to read of share one blog, please choose this one.
Sharing Blogs
Please read and share my blogs. Feel free to use extracts or post extracts on social media. All I ask is that you acknowledge me and provide a link to my website
Neil can be contacted at His book, Carbon Choices on the common-sense solutions to our climate and nature crises is available here.