Calling Bristol Youth – The Festival of Nature 2024 is recruiting young people aged 16 – 24 living in the Bristol area, to join its new Youth Panel which will help shape this year’s Festival.  The role description with details of what to expect is here.  To register your interest, complete this short online form.


Climate Simulation – A short video of Scotland’s successful British Council COP28 Climate Simulation Negotiation event that was organised in November for students from Scottish and Egyptian secondary schools is now available.  There is also the presentation from the hybrid  Sustainability Education: A Classroom Guide’ workshop held in November with authors Stephen Scoffham and Steve Rawlinson, at Queen Margaret University.


Regional Approaches to Sustainability in Schools – On 1st February (6.30 – 7.30) GAP’s UKSSN is holding a webinar focused on embedding climate change and sustainability education within, and across, schools. NAEE trustee David Dixon will discuss how to lead a sustainable school and will introduce his toolkit for developing a whole school approach to sustainability. Meryl Batchelder will then share how Northumberland is taking the lead in education for sustainability with an innovative School Resource Pack which has been developed by the Climate Change Team at Northumberland County Council to work alongside the Ministry of Eco Education’s sustainable curriculum. There’s a resource pack supporting teachers to equip students with an understanding of local climate impacts and solutions.  You can register here.


Education and Peace – UNESCO’s recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development were adopted by all 194 UNESCO Member States at the 42nd session of the General Conference, the new Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development is the only global standard-setting instrument that lays out how education should be used to bring about lasting peace and foster human development through 14 guiding principles.


Young Gamechangers – New funding is available for young people aged 10-25. The Young Gamechangers Fund is for individuals aged 10-25 and youth-led groups and organisations, with funding from Co-op, Co-op Foundation and the #iwill fund. It is delivered by Global Fund for Children and Restless Development. Grants of £1,000 – £20,000.  You can find out more and apply here.


FEE Awards –  Applications are open until April 2024 for the Foundation for Environmental Education Teacher Award, which aims to recognise and celebrate teachers’ effort and impact.  


Eco-Schools Impact Report – This annual report highlights the impacts of the work done throughout the year on schools and pupils, and on the environment.  You can read more here.


Generation Green Jobs? – This report from the Prince’s Trust explores young people’s readiness for the Net Zero skills revolution and suggests that young people’s lack of awareness of and interest in green jobs presents a serious risk to the UK meeting its ambitious Net Zero targets, which depend on training and retraining hundreds of thousands of workers.  


Greening Education Hub  – Over 200 sessions were held at the first-ever Greening Education Hub hosted by the UAE’s Ministry of Education, during COP28. You can watch recordings of key sessions and find out more.


Spacetime Ideas – The National Trust is launching a “Time + Space” award to help young people bring their ingenious ideas to fruition by giving them tailor-made tuition at Isaac Newton’s old home. Entrants must be aged between 16 and 25, but do not have to be students or members of the National Trust. They just need a bright idea in one of four areas – science, art and culture, society and nature and climate. Details here.


Citizen Science – The UKEOF symposium Inclusivity in citizen science was held online in November 2023. The recording of the symposium is now available in two sessions here

iNaturalist – The iNaturalistUK 2023 Year in Review is an interactive web page which includes a variety of stats and charts including the number of observations compared to previous years and growth.  Stats from January 1st are also are now included.


Moths by Month – Butterfly Conservation has created a Moths by Month calendar for you to download so you can see which moths you might spot throughout the year. You can also print it at home to tick off the ones you see.


Interconnecting – Interconnectors are high voltage cables that connect the electricity systems of neighbouring countries. They allow us to trade excess power, such as renewable energy created by the sun, wind and water, between different countries. The UK has interconnectors linking us to France, Belgium, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands.  By 2030, the plan is to have 90% of the energy imported by our interconnectors from zero carbon energy sources.  You can read real-time flow date here.  

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