Here are two freely available articles from Canada’s Green Teacher magazine.

Green Commuting Challenge
by Duke Davidson – How a suburban middle school radically increased the number of students walking and reduced car traffic to the school

Introducing Students to Landscape Architecture 
by Karen Grajales – Classroom activities spotlight a creative career choice that helps the environment

And these are the other articles in the edition, but you have to be a subscriber to read them.

Why Learn about Insects? by Nathan Shipley and Robert D Biller – Unlearning inherent fears around bugs will net endless fascination for young people

Snakes Alive! by Ann Berry Somers and Catherine E. Matthews – Run…but where…from snakes or to snakes?

Conservation Animation by Sarah Compton – Creating animated videos with high school students to encourage local conservation

Citizenship-building via Marine Debris Surveys by Aimee Cleary – Empowering urban teens to become environmental stewards through socio-ecological mapping and data collection

Finding a Place for Science by Sarah Hackworth & Ana Houseal – Letting place guide standards-based curriculum development for grades three and four

Invasive Species: You’re Not Welcome Here by Amy Paul – Guide your third through ffth grade students through interactive activities about invasive species

Taking Action Against Invasive Species by Jennifer Brooks – Using hands-on exploration and media as an educational tool in schools

Exploring Antarctica through Art by Madeline Crouse and Skye Morét – How to stimulate student engagement with Antarctica’s ecosystems, both above and beneath the ocean surface

Becoming an Ecologist by Ann Palmer – Role-play and story-making encourage young people to explore anthropocentrism and earthcentrism

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