The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the voice for everyone who loves the sea.  It works to secure a future for our living seas, and to save our threatened marine wildlife before it is lost forever.  It says:

“Almost nowhere in UK seas is marine wildlife safe from harm. We  need to establish vital marine protected areas where wildlife can recover and flourish.  Levels of beach litter have doubled over the last two decades. MCS works to clear our seas of the rising tide of rubbish that is so dangerous to sea life, including seabirds, whales and dolphins.  71% of Europe’s fish stocks are overfished or depleted.  Once common fish such as skate and cod are now rare in many areas. MCS works to reduce the overfishing which is devastating the life in our seas, and promotes sustainable seafood alternatives.  Our work ensures that the sea’s rich wildlife can be restored, fish stocks grow more plentiful, and our beaches and seawater become cleaner.”

Here’s a link to some of its education work.  Its Cool Seas work featured in our most recent journal, Environmental Education Vol 111.  This is about working with primary schools to clear litter from beaches in Suffolk.

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