Climate Science Course – The UK’s nationally determined contribution statement – NDC – that has been submitted in advance of COP26 has an Education and Skills section. The first paragraph says this:
– The UK Government is strengthening awareness and building consensus in tackling climate change through various education initiatives at all stages of life, including: a new education course on climate science for 16 to 18 year olds; a Green Home Grant Skills Training competition to support training for installation of energy efficient and low carbon heating measures; and initiatives as part of the UK’s Sector Deal on Offshore Wind.
No detail is available about the climate science course, and examination boards do not seem to have been consulted. We may have to wait until the COP itself; before details emerge. Whatever its merits, on the face of it, with its emphasis on science and its focus on 16 to 18 year olds, this does not sound quite like what campaigners have been calling for.
Pledge your Pledge – On November 5th there will be a summit of education ministers at COP26 organised by the UK and Italy with UNESCO. Delegates will be urged to bring a pledge (or two) to the meeting to ensure that there is action after the meeting. This is the first time that education ministers will have met at a COP. The UK launched an environmental education pack [ “Our Planet” ] back in June.
Natural History? – We may also have to wait for the COP to hear about what is to become of the proposals for the natural history GCSE. Despite getting a mention in the ex-Education Secretary’s commits on the Queen’s Speech, the DfE remains silent on what, if anything, happens next. However, the clever money seem to be on a positive announcement to chime with the COP.
A Positive Mosaic of Change – Oxford-based, Conservation Optimism is dedicated to inspiring and empowering people around the world to make a positive difference for nature. It’s purpose is in its name. It says: “As nature erodes and the response of human systems is inadequate or destructive, it can seem like the only rational response is despair. Yet if you zoom in from the big picture, a mosaic appears; in amongst the stories of loss there are inspiring stories of regeneration and positive change, with nature making a difference in people’s lives, and people valuing and nurturing their natural environment. These stories are the key to securing our planet’s future; we need to learn from them, replicate them and thereby build a world in which nature and people can coexist. Our mission is telling these stories of conservation optimism — large and small — so as to inspire change.”
30 Under 30 – NAAEE has announced the winners of the 2021 30 Under 30 initiative. Three of them are from the UK: Mhairi McCann, Julia Migné, and Emer Rafferty. NAAEE says: “The awardees in this year’s EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2021 range in age from 16 to 30, and include educators, artists, advocates, and more from 13 countries. From designing artistic and educational programs to conserve and uphold ancestral environments, cultures, and languages in the United States to creating beekeeping community youth groups in Kenya, these leaders are using environmental education to address complex sustainability issues in their communities. Their collective work reaches more than 300,000 people each year.”
Are you ready for NAAEE 2021? You don’t have to fly to the USA to attend the NAAEE 50th Anniversary Conference as it is on-line. NAAEE says look at the schedules for this and the Research Symposium, read about the keynotes speakers, “and join us as the excitement builds!” There is a tiered pricing system which make it possible for anyone to attend. You can learn more and register at: . Once registered, you’ll receive login credentials before events start on October 4th.
Gweithgareddau Arweinwyr Hinsawdd I Ysgolion – Chwilio am syniadau am weithgareddau? Mae cymaint o ffyrdd hwyliog ac ysbrydoledig y gallwch chi helpu’ch myfyrwyr i ddod yn Arweinydd Hinsawdd. Isod ceir ambell syniad i danio’ch creadigrwydd. Byddwch yn greadigol drwy ddefnyddio’r deunydd hyn, gan gynnwys ysgrifennu enghreifftiau a negeseuon sy’n barod i’w defnyddio ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Maen nhw wedi’u cynllunio i’ch helpu i rannu newyddion ac i ddathlu gweithredoedd hinsawdd positif eich ysgol.
Climate Learning Month – The University and College Union (UCU), National Education Union (NEU), Education Institute of Scotland (EIS), National Union of Students (NUS), Teach the Future and SOS-UK have launched a set of downloadable climate and sustainability teaching resources for schools, colleges and universities to support their joint Climate Learning Month initiative taking place from October 2021 in the run-up to COP 26 in November.
Wake up and Smell the Fumes – Last Friday saw the resumption of the Friday school strikes for the climate. The campaign is co-ordinated by the youth-led campaign group Fridays for Future. This map shows where they took place #uprootthesystem
Free Verse – The FED has issued an invitation to young poets to mark the 150th anniversary of State Education through a poetry competition. Just write a poem of up to 150 words that celebrates what school means to you, reflects on how you think about schools, and says what you think about the future of education. The deadline is 1800 on October 22nd. What a chance to write about environmental and climate education – or the lack of it.
The Potential of Worldviews – Our latest blog featured an article by Richard Jurin who wrote about worldviews as indicators of the potential for positive change. Richard distinguished between what he sees as Absolute Utilitarians, Utilitarian Conservationists, Ecocentrics, and Logical Idealists.
Wall Carbon – Ran Boydell of Heriot-Watt University writes in The Conversation about the urgent need for better insulation in the UK’s existing housing stock, much of which will still exist in 2050. Retrofitting this, he argues, will be a massive contribution to achieving net carbon zero. The article is here. There will be many older schools where the insulation is inadequate.
Black Brown Blue – We have mentioned green and blue hydrogen before, but it seems that the gas comes in many other colours as well which is impressive since it is colourless, tasteless, odourless, etc. The Earthbound Report tells all, or almost all, as there is no mention of perhaps the most valuable form of all, gold hydrogen; that which is found underground as the element.
Mitigation Adaptation Finance Collaboration – The Manchester Festival of Climate Action (11-14 October) will share insights and innovative solutions to the climate crisis. The festival will dedicate a day to each of the four COP26 goals – mitigation, adaptation, finance and collaboration – addressing the issues that matter to policymakers, industry decision makers, NGOs, charities and the public on a local, national and international level. You can see more detail and book your place here.