Do not miss Tim Gill in 2017, says Circle of Life because “Tim is the UK’s leading expert in Child’s Play and Risk.” Tim will be joined by Marina Robb, Director of Circle of Life Rediscovery and Author of ‘Learning with Nature‘.
Circle of Life says:
Across the world, adults are becoming ever more anxious about children’s safety and well-being. Paradoxically, these anxieties can end up harming children’s learning and development, fuelling unnecessary fears and undermining trust and confidence in ourselves and our children. This day’s training workshop will help us to revisit our thinking so that we can strike a better balance between protecting children from genuine threats and giving them rich, challenging opportunities to learn and grow. The day will be a rich mix of presentation, useful information and healthy dialogue alongside some direct experience of ‘risky’ outdoor-based activities in the woods. It will support participants to take a more balanced, inspirational and thoughtful approach to managing risk in children’s play and learning. Tim will address the value and benefits of risky play and the role of the adult including an updated understanding risk benefit assessment (RBA). This training that will enable you to become an advocate for this approach and embed it across your setting/service.
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