conference_bannerHere are a number of professional development opportunities for learning outside the classroom:

Taking Learning Outside

Delivered in partnership with Learning through Landscapes, Taking Learning Outside is ideal for teachers, early years practitioners and support staff who are new taking learning outside. You will take away lots of practical activities for teaching literacy, numeracy and science in your school grounds and local community.

Meaningful Learning: Teaching the Curriculum Outside the Classroom

Gain the skills to help your school maximise the benefits of LOtC and deliver curriculum-linked outcomes outside the classroom. Discover the research into the benefits of LOtC and plan curriculum-linked LOtC lessons to take away and use with your pupils and your team.

Policies and Practice: Making the most of the opportunities beyond the classroom

This course is for those who want to embed LOtC in their school’s policies and practice, so that all pupils can benefit from inspiring learning opportunities. Using LOtC Mark as a framework for development, you will consider how to engage staff and the community through LOtC, monitor and evaluate LOtC effectively, manage risk and develop robust systems and policies

Developing and Reviewing Active Learning Outside the Classroom for schools

Take your LOtC provision from good to outstanding. This course will help you to further improve your provision by considering how to implement outcome-focused learning outside the classroom in order to build on the learning which takes place, integrate it more with classroom-based learning, and improve outcomes for young people.

Meeting Curriculum Needs

For providers of LOtC: Keep up-to-date with the ever-changing school landscape, and ensure that the sessions you offer can meet the aims of the national curriculum.

Developing and Reviewing Active Learning Outside the Classroom for providers

Take your LOtC provision from good quality to high quality. This course is aimed at organisations who already have good LOtC provision, and are likely to have achieved the LOtC Quality Badge, but who wish to improve further. You will look at how to implement outcome-focused learning outside the classroom in order to build on the learning which takes place, integrate it more with classroom-based learning, and improve outcomes for young people.

To book, click here.


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