smallThe Children & Nature Network reports that researchers from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff found that conversations between parents and their kids were much more “responsive and connected” when they were outdoors as opposed to when they were talking inside.  The researchers suggest that the study demonstrates that natural environments can significantly enhance social interactions, in this case improving the quality of parent-child conversations.  As part of the study, researcher recorded conversations between parents and their 3- and 4-year-olds.  You can read more  here.


Keeping it Wild is a new three-year project, funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, that will empower and inspire 600  young people aged 11-25, from backgrounds currently under-represented in natural heritage,  to gain vital skills while discovering, conserving and sharing their experiences of the capital’s wild spaces.   Over the next three years the project will enable the Trust, and other partner organisations such as the John Muir Trust, to inspire more young people to care about, and protect, wildlife and wild spaces. Alongside John Muir Trust, LWT will be working closely with London Youth, and Headliners (UK).

You can read more about the project here.  The closing date for first round of applications is Thursday 6th December.


The Times Higher Global Sustainable Development Goal Ranking is now open – if you’re a university.  THE portal for collecting impact data is live for universities to use and you should email for access.  From here you will be provided with a log in to review the methodology and submit data.


Following its closure, Think Global’s  key assets, including the GDW resources will be transferred to Reboot the Future whose mission, through the Golden Rule, is to inspire, unite and hold to account leaders and every one of us to build an increasingly compassionate and sustainable world.  Its goal is to build a network of leaders who [i] Publicly promote the Golden Rule as a guiding principle; [ii] Embed the Golden Rule as a guiding framework for their companies and institutions and [iii] Make the Golden Rule a prominent measurement of success for their stakeholders.  The rule is to treat others and the planet as you would wish to be treated yourself.


Keeping it Wild Traineeships offer a unique opportunity for young people aged between 16-25 to undertake a paid full-time, three month vocational traineeship based at a London Wildlife Trust Reserve. You’ll spend time learning from the London Wildlife Trust reserves team, gaining valuable practical skills in urban nature conservation, community engagement, media/journalism and communications. You’ll also have the chance to shape and influence how the Trust works with young people in the future.


November 30th is Remembrance Day for Lost Species, which has a marine theme, taking its inspiration from Steller’s sea cow.  More details here.


Butterfly Conservation’s secret gardener explains the importance of having a rowan tree in the garden.  In autumn and winter, when berries are a main food source for birds such as song and mistle thrushes, blackbirds, redwings and fieldfares, rowan berries have smaller seeds, with more flesh, and are preferred by thrushes and waxwings.  In spring the flowers provide pollen and nectar for bees and other pollinating insects.  Rowan is also a foodplant for caterpillars and will support a range of moths including brimstone, buff-tip and Welsh wave.

There are free trees for schools in the West Midlands.  Just contact Nick Wale at for more details.


British Divers Marine Life Rescue is an organisation dedicated to the rescue and well-being of all marine animals in distress around the UK.  It is a voluntary network of trained marine mammal medics who respond to calls from the public, HM Coastguard, Police, RSPCA and SSPCA.. More detail here.


Slimbridge has a 5 minute video explaining how it prepares for arriving winter migrants.  It’s not just about birds, however, as seeing what harvest mice get up to during the winter season is also featured.  The video is here.


Sustrans says that although the National Cycle Network has expanded over its 23 years, its quality varies, resulting in an inconsistent experience for those who use it.  In order to make it better, Sustrans carried out a two-year audit with the data being used to review the condition of the Network and help it understand how much of it needs to be better, what exactly needs to change and where the improvements are to happen.  The network is 16,575 miles long across the UK and used by walkers and people cycling, as well as joggers, wheelchair users and horse riders.  See this for more detail.


ZSL reports that the world’s largest survey of palm oil producers and traders shows problems in tackling forest loss.  ZSL says “Zero-deforestation commitments within the palm oil industry risk being undermined by a lack of monitoring within production landscapes – meaning the deforestation of tropical forests home to Critically Endangered wildlife such as Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) and orangutans (Pongo abelii) could be going unreported.”

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