_92639850_thinkstockphotos-122534323The BBC’s attempt at an explanation of nature deficit disorder begins badly …

“It’s tough to connect with nature at this time of year.  Your days are spent under artificial lights in an office, while the last of autumn’s blooms are hidden beneath piles of decaying leaves.”

_92652871_thinkstockphotos-576896720It seems that the BBC thinks that decaying leaves are not nature, whereas small girls and boys (and not so small ones) know better – and also know that the thing to do with piles of decaying leaves is to kick them.  Despite the widespread incidence of NDD, we are reliably informed that this still goes on in all parts of the country.

The article is really a report on an RHS seminar given by Sheffield University’s Dr Ross Cameron who knows more about this than the BBC or small boys and girls.

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