1. The Business Connect website has a feature by John Hawthorne on 50 Heartbreaking Facts and Stats About The Global Water Crisis. It sets out a range of information (with sources) about the inequitable access to potable water across the planet. It begins:
1,800 child deaths every day are linked to water, sanitation and hygiene
- 2,000 children aged 5 and under die every day from a water-related disease
- 783 million people do not have access to clean and safe water worldwide
- 1 in 9 people worldwide do not have access to safe and clean drinking water
2. Natural England has published the latest Nature Connection Index (NCI) report as well as the most recent Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) report on visit frequency and environmental attitudes. You can read these here:
- MENE survey: developing a method to measure nature connection across the English population (adults and children) (NECR233)
- MENE exploring the relationship between visit frequency and attitudes towards the natural environment (NECR232)
3. Here are some headlines from the latest Environmental News Network report
- Australian origin likely for iconic New Zealand tree
- Can the tobacco and fossil fuel industries be compared?
- Researchers produce new biodiesel
- Could renewable ‘power-by-wire’ help fix China’s air pollution problems?
4. Eco-Jam is a “jamboree of all things local, green and ethical”. You can tune into local news and events, discover local green businesses and initiatives, search for ethical jobs and volunteer opportunities, and find or donate free, unwanted household items. Its aims are simple and ambitious. We hope to get more people involved in their local green scene, and promote and connect green activities in cities and counties across the UK. Ecojam began in Bristol in 2009, but is now growing into a national network of local green hubs. You can explore and add content to the site both locally and across the UK. Ecojam emerged out of a series of ‘sustainability cafés’ organised by the University of Bristol, which involved 300 participants discussing how to make Bristol sustainable. It was developed to continue the sharing of ideas and news online. Before long, Ecojam became the most active sustainability network in Bristol, with 5000 members and an incredible 1,250 events and jobs added each year. Ecojam is now turning to the next chapter of its story: a brand new website and look, and a big idea to bring Ecojam to communities across the UK.
5. It’s a summer full of discoveries at London Wetland Centre. You can explore the stunning array of orchids on site including the pyramidal and common spotted orchids, delve into the wonderful world of dragonflies with expertise from the British Dragonfly Society, or go wildlife recording to become a wildlife ranger. There’s a members walk this Saturday (8th July) when you can find out more about this nationally important habitat, including some of the flora and fauna that it supports such as long-horn beetles and woodland passerines. There’s a Summer Photography Course on July 15th when you can discover and learn about seasonal specialities of the reserve and how to photograph them. At this time of year we usually have an abundance of butterflies, dragonflies and insects on site, as well as a variety of birds, calling frogs and stunning floral displays. And more …
6. Sustainable Schools in Stafford are involved with all kinds of amazing activities and projects that are helping the local environment and therefore also protecting our planet and its people as a whole. From conservation projects in school grounds, to switch – off campaigns; from growing fruit and veg, to recycling and re-using materials; our young people are full of both ideas and action! Find out more here:
7. Dr Newton-Fisher and Stefano Kaburu observed grooming interactions between members of a community of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve in Western Uganda. Grooming plays a key role in chimp interactions as it helps reduce stress and remove parasites. Within chimp groups lower ranking members often groom higher ranking members in the hope of receiving benefits such as protection, acceptance and the hope of receiving reciprocal grooming. However, the findings suggest that if another chimpanzee with a higher rank than the chimp being groomed is nearby, the grooming chimp will stop far sooner than if not. It appears chimpanzees do this so they do not invest too much time grooming with one chimp if there is a risk the chimp being groomed will not reciprocate but instead look to groom the nearby higher-ranking chimp. The research has been published in the latest edition of Animal Behaviour titled Grooming decisions under structural despotism: the impact of social rank and bystanders among wild male chimpanzees.
8. In August 2014, nearly 100 grassroots leaders and representatives from environmental and women’s funds gathered for an international Summit on Women and Climate Change, hosted by Global Greengrants Fund, the International Network of Women’s Funds and the Alliance of Funds. Lessons and case studies from this initiative were captured in a report intended to seed collaboration between the environmental and women’s movements. The website presents some of the practical guidance found in the report on how to support local women who are standing up to activities that degrade their rights and contribute to climate change. The report is here.