1499788586997Logo1. Rooted Forest School, based in Herefordshire, but works around the Midlands and Wales as well through mobile provision accessing woodlands near to where you are, thus keeping transport costs to a minimum.  It caters for all ages working in partnership with Cambium to provide outdoor learning and Forest School training around the UK.

See: Forest School and Outdoor Learning Sessions – Holiday Clubs – Grounds Development Work

wicpc2016copyrightedentry2_orig2. Litter Goes Literary.  The 3rd year of the Children’s Humorously Captioned Photography Competition has an anti-litter theme.  Submissions should include a humorously captioned photograph of yourself, with or without a pet or other ‘props’, humorously captioned, and one verse of eco-lyrics put to the tune of your own favourite song. Entry is free, and details are here.  Entries are accepted from anyone in full time education up to the age of 21.   The closing date is December 1st 2017.

f090a1bd-fbad-4906-bf5f-63112d6b39e33. Circle of Life Rediscovery says: Jon Cree is back.  Details of his courses are here.  This is the first:

25th January 2018 – Story Telling: “This creative, playful workshop will explore the relationship between stories, storytelling and the natural world around us, with its application to school and community groups. It will suit beginners and those who already work with stories. During the process of the workshop we will play games, immerse ourselves through observational exercises and share experiences… and stories of course! Read more.”

Wildlife_Watch_Masthead_BLUE_24. Click here to read the latest from Wildlife Watch.  There’s a Summer’s Here section, including an A to Z and an Awards section – and much more.

w600_967800_15a079004eppkianjavatostudentswithtrees5_hi5. The latest edition of A Call from the Wild brings conservation news from IUCN’s grant-making initiatives protecting lemurs, tigers and African wildlife.  The SOS Lemurs initiative has confirmed 20 new lemur projects for funding starting soon in 2017.  These build on a first phase of projects launched in 2016 all informed by the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Lemur Conservation Strategy.  Conservation success stories are inspiring because they are about dedicated people achieving wonderful things for nature – our life support system.

ap_16190624563056-691f6f624eb37f38058292575063a7ac9cbd5835-s1600-c856. At the end of June, the US Center for Biological Diversity and a coalition of conservation and tribal groups told the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that it would sue it in 60 days if the agency didn’t reverse course on its to open up grizzly bear hunts once federal protections are lifted.   “We’re ready to fight to ensure these bears don’t end up dead at the hands of trophy hunters,” said the Center’s Andrea Santarsiere. The plan is in place despite a recent rise in grizzly bear deaths in the Yellowstone region.  There’s more detail here.

Permaculture-Association7. The Permaculture Association’s latest newsletter is here.  Highlights include:

  • an opportunity to join the education working group
  • the launch of a people’s food policy  “A ground-breaking manifesto outlining a people’s vision of food and farming in England that is supported by over 80 food and farming organisations.”
  • GROW’s first live, online discussion on Your Soil, Your Data  “GROW educators discussed the wider importance of soils and cultivation techniques. During the event educators answered live questions from the audience, specifically about soil, sites and growing practices.”

G20_Gipfel_think20dialogue_2017_Internet_RGB_klein28. Click here to listen to Jeffrey Sachs (Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University) at the T20 Summit in Berlin: Global Solutions.

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