Play & The Outdoors with Marina Robb & Kate Macairt.
An Experiential & Theoretical Journey into Forest School, Play itself and Therapeutic Play (Two day training).
24th & 25th March 2017 | Mill Woods, East Sussex | £120 | 09.30 – 15.30

Familiarise yourself with the Forest Play skills continuum. Explore Nature Connection, Wild play, Free Play and therapeutic play within a multi-disciplinary approach. We will look at the role of the adult with children, equip you with strategies and methods to enable the disenfranchised and alienated child to have a positive experience in the forest school or outdoor learning setting. You will develop your Forest and nature-based skills, awareness and explore creative play skills which will engage the group of children and build their curiosity, imagination and confidence. READ MORE.


From Protection to Resilience with Tim Gill.
4th April 2017 | Ringmer Academy, East Sussex | £85 | 09.30 – 15.30

Taking a balanced and thoughtful approach to risk that honours and values children’s play, their freedom of movement, and, most importantly, the relationships they have with each other, with adults and with the wider environment. This day is suitable for Educators, Forest School Leaders and Service providers.

Across the world, adults are becoming ever more anxious about children’s safety and well-being. Paradoxically, these anxieties can end up harming children’s learning and development, fuelling unnecessary fears and undermining trust and confidence in ourselves and our children. This workshop will help us to revisit our thinking so that we can strike a better balance between protecting children from genuine threats and giving them rich, challenging opportunities to learn and grow. READ MORE.


Circle of Life Rediscovery, we offer bespoke Camps, Outdoor LearningActivity Days and Forest School from Key Stage 2 – 4 for schools and colleges.

All camps are unique and offer a rich learning experience, a range of activities to challenge, inspire and have lots of fun!  The camps have a strong environmental basis and include nature awareness games, survival and woodcraft skills, music, team-building activities, art, story-telling and night walks. Above all we have fun and get creative.

All our camps are Sussex-based in among the trees. We provide catering and equipment for all activities. View our recent photo gallery of our Lewes New School Camp for inspiration!

Our camps and longer outdoor programmes also offer the John Muir Award, A National Conservation Award at Discovery Level.

Early booking is essential.

Please call 01273 814226 to discuss cost per participant and group size.

Activites may include: 

Firemaking: Match challenge, using fire steels, to using ancient methods.
Blindfolded exercises:  Deer stalk, drum stalk and awareness trail.
Creative activities: Woodland bling, clay, earth ovens, natural paint.
Tool Use: Whistles, pencils, spatulas, mallets, butter knives, carving, wood animals.
Camoflage & stalking: Using natural camouflage materials and games.
Cooking and foraging: Cooking on the fire.  Wild medicine and crafting
Teambuilding: using ropes; making chariots, tasks, catapults, water/shelter challenge.
Mapping exercises: Map making and navigation, finding key hidden objects, directions.
Tracking & casts: Tracking activities, exploring and signs, making animal casts.
Ropes and knots: Rope challenges, knots for frames/chariots
Bird Knowledge: Bird language and  pellets
Large team games: Using 60 to 100 YP.
Possible: Climbing wall; Falconry; fishing; Tree Climbing; Tree planting

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