The Centre for Youth Impact is hosting its third annual gathering on 11th September in London.  This follows two previous events that each brought together over 100 participants from across the youth and evidence sectors.  It is a day for practitioners, researchers and funders with an interest in learning, evidence and evaluation in work with young people, and aims to provide a platform for the facilitators of impact networks across the country, with contributions from specialists across the youth and evidence sectors.

The event is for managers and frontline pactitoners from charities, social enterprises and local authorities working with young people.  Delegates are a mixture of managers and ‘frontline’ practitioners.  Participants from research organisations and the infrastructure organisations that work across and within the youth sector, are also encouraged to attend.  It will be an opportunity to take stock and reflect on recent developments in how we understand impact in youth work and services for young people and how we collectively set the agenda for the future.

The aim is to create an engaging and thoughtful programme of contributions that will involve inspiring, reflective speakers as well as structured spaces for conversation in order to create a day that is valuable for all.

Confirmed speakers include:

If you have any questions about the event, contact 

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